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X PixMap

윈도 시스템에서 사용하는 아스키 텍스트 이미지 포맷.

X PixMap (XPM) is an image file format used by the X Window System, created in 1989 by Daniel Dardailler and Colas Nahaboo working at Bull Research Center at Sophia Antipolis, France, and later enhanced by Arnaud Le Hors.

It is intended primarily for creating icon pixmaps, and supports transparent pixels. Derived from the earlier XBM syntax, it is a plain text file in the XPM2 format or of a C programming language syntax, which can be included in a C program file.


The XPM format is an array of strings composed of six different sections as follows:

static char* <variable_name>[] = {

See also

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