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방향과 관련된 열거형.

주로 wxSizer의 Add()함수에서 flag에 사용된다.


enum wxDirection
    wxLEFT                    = 0x0010,
    wxRIGHT                   = 0x0020,
    wxUP                      = 0x0040,
    wxDOWN                    = 0x0080,

    wxTOP                     = wxUP,
    wxBOTTOM                  = wxDOWN,

    wxNORTH                   = wxUP,
    wxSOUTH                   = wxDOWN,
    wxWEST                    = wxLEFT,
    wxEAST                    = wxRIGHT,

    wxALL                     = (wxUP | wxDOWN | wxRIGHT | wxLEFT),

    /*  a mask to extract direction from the combination of flags */
    wxDIRECTION_MASK           = wxALL

See also