wxCondition variables correspond to pthread conditions or to Win32 event objects.
This example shows how a main thread may launch a worker thread which starts running and then waits until the main thread signals it to continue:
class MySignallingThread : public wxThread
MySignallingThread(wxMutex *mutex, wxCondition *condition)
m_mutex = mutex;
m_condition = condition;
virtual ExitCode Entry()
... do our job ...
// tell the other(s) thread(s) that we're about to terminate: we must
// lock the mutex first or we might signal the condition before the
// waiting threads start waiting on it!
wxMutexLocker lock(*m_mutex);
m_condition->Broadcast(); // same as Signal() here -- one waiter only
return 0;
wxCondition *m_condition;
wxMutex *m_mutex;
int main()
wxMutex mutex;
wxCondition condition(mutex);
// the mutex should be initially locked
// create and run the thread but notice that it won't be able to
// exit (and signal its exit) before we unlock the mutex below
MySignallingThread *thread = new MySignallingThread(&mutex, &condition);
// wait for the thread termination: Wait() atomically unlocks the mutex
// which allows the thread to continue and starts waiting
// now we can exit
return 0;