제시된 경로의 파일 또는 디렉터리가 존재하는지 검사한다.
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include "Shlwapi.h"
void main(void)
// Valid file path name (file is there).
char buffer_1[ ] = "C:\\TEST\\file.txt";
char *lpStr1;
lpStr1 = buffer_1;
// Invalid file path name (file is not there).
char buffer_2[ ] = "C:\\TEST\\file.doc";
char *lpStr2;
lpStr2 = buffer_2;
// Return value from "PathFileExists".
int retval;
// Search for the presence of a file with a true result.
retval = PathFileExists(lpStr1);
if(retval == 1)
cout << "Search for the file path of : " << lpStr1 << endl;
cout << "The file requested \"" << lpStr1 << "\" is a valid file" << endl;
cout << "The return from function is : " << retval << endl;
cout << "\nThe file requested " << lpStr1 << " is not a valid file" << endl;
cout << "The return from function is : " << retval << endl;
// Search for the presence of a file with a false result.
retval = PathFileExists(lpStr2);
if(retval == 1)
cout << "\nThe file requested " << lpStr2 << "is a valid file" << endl;
cout << "Search for the file path of : " << lpStr2 << endl;
cout << "The return from function is : " << retval << endl;
cout << "\nThe file requested \"" << lpStr2 << "\" is not a valid file" << endl;
cout << "The return from function is : " << retval << endl;
Search for the file path of : C:\TEST\file.txt
The file requested "C:\TEST\file.txt" is a valid file
The return from function is : 1
The file requested "C:\TEST\file.doc" is not a valid file
The return from function is : 0
See also
Favorite site
- [ MSDN: PathFileExists function]