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Vuetify 의 Style 관련 코드 및 내용.





@function map-deep-set($map, $keys, $value)
  $maps: ($map,)
  $result: null

  // If the last key is a map already
  // Warn the user we will be overriding it with $value
  @if type-of(nth($keys, -1)) == "map"
    @warn "The last key you specified is a map; it will be overrided with `#{$value}`."

  // If $keys is a single key
  // Just merge and return
  @if length($keys) == 1
    @return map-merge($map, ( $keys: $value ))

  // Loop from the first to the second to last key from $keys
  // Store the associated map to this key in the $maps list
  // If the key doesn't exist, throw an error
  @for $i from 1 through length($keys) - 1
    $current-key: nth($keys, $i)
    $current-map: nth($maps, -1)
    $current-get: map-get($current-map, $current-key)

    @if $current-get == null
      @error "Key `#{$key}` doesn't exist at current level in map."

    $maps: append($maps, $current-get)

  // Loop from the last map to the first one
  // Merge it with the previous one
  @for $i from length($maps) through 1
    $current-map: nth($maps, $i)
    $current-key: nth($keys, $i)
    $current-val: if($i == length($maps), $value, $result)
    $result: map-merge($current-map, ($current-key: $current-val))

  // Return result
  @return $result

@function map-deep-get($map, $keys...)
  @each $key in $keys
    $map: map-get($map, $key)

  @return $map

@function breakpoint-min($name, $breakpoints: $grid-breakpoints)
  $min: map-get($breakpoints, $name)
  @return if($min != 0, $min, null)

@function breakpoint-infix($name, $breakpoints: $grid-breakpoints)
  @return if(breakpoint-min($name, $breakpoints) == null, "", "-#{$name}")

// Adapted from
@function map-deep-merge($parent-map, $child-map)
  $result: $parent-map

  @each $key, $child in $child-map
    $parent-has-key: map-has-key($result, $key)
    $parent-value: map-get($result, $key)
    $parent-type: type-of($parent-value)
    $child-type: type-of($child)
    $parent-is-map: $parent-type == map
    $child-is-map: $child-type == map

    @if (not $parent-has-key) or ($parent-type != $child-type) or (not ($parent-is-map and $child-is-map))
      $result: map-merge($result, ( $key: $child ))

      $result: map-merge($result, ( $key: map-deep-merge($parent-value, $child) ))

  @return $result



@import '../tools/_functions.sass';

$color-pack: true !default;

$body-font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif !default;
$font-size-root: 16px !default;
$line-height-root: 1.5 !default;
$border-radius-root: 4px !default;

$rounded: () !default;
$rounded: map-deep-merge(
    0: 0,
    'sm': $border-radius-root / 2,
    null: $border-radius-root,
    'lg': $border-radius-root * 2,
    'xl': $border-radius-root * 6,
    'pill': 9999px,
    'circle': 50%

$spacer: 4px !default;
$spacers-steps: 16 !default; 

$spacers: () !default;
@if (type-of($spacers) == list) {
  @for $i from 0 through $spacers-steps {
    $spacers: map-merge($spacers, ($i: $spacer * $i))

$negative-spacers: () !default;
@if (type-of($negative-spacers) == list) {
  @for $i from 1 through $spacers-steps {
    $negative-spacers: map-merge($negative-spacers, ("n" + $i: -$spacer * $i))

$grid-breakpoints: () !default;
$grid-breakpoints: map-deep-merge(
    'xs': 0,
    'sm': 600px,
    'md': 960px,
    'lg': 1280px - 16px,
    'xl': 1920px - 16px

$grid-gutter: $spacer * 6 !default;
$form-grid-gutter: $spacer * 2 !default;
$grid-columns: 12 !default;

$container-padding-x: $grid-gutter / 2 !default;

$grid-gutters: () !default;
$grid-gutters: map-deep-merge(
    'xs': $grid-gutter / 12,
    'sm': $grid-gutter / 6,
    'md': $grid-gutter / 3,
    'lg': $grid-gutter * 2/3,
    'xl': $grid-gutter

$container-max-widths: () !default;
$container-max-widths: map-deep-merge(
    'md': map-get($grid-breakpoints, 'md') * 0.9375,
    'lg': map-get($grid-breakpoints, 'lg') * 0.9375,
    'xl': map-get($grid-breakpoints, 'xl') * 0.9375

$display-breakpoints: () !default;
$display-breakpoints: map-deep-merge(
    'print-only': 'only print',
    'screen-only': 'only screen',
    'xs-only': 'only screen and (max-width: #{map-get($grid-breakpoints, 'sm') - 0.02})',
    'sm-only': 'only screen and (min-width: #{map-get($grid-breakpoints, 'sm')}) and (max-width: #{map-get($grid-breakpoints, 'md') - 0.02})',
    'sm-and-down': 'only screen and (max-width: #{map-get($grid-breakpoints, 'md') - 0.02})',
    'sm-and-up': 'only screen and (min-width: #{map-get($grid-breakpoints, 'sm')})',
    'md-only': 'only screen and (min-width: #{map-get($grid-breakpoints, 'md')}) and (max-width: #{map-get($grid-breakpoints, 'lg') - 0.02})',
    'md-and-down': 'only screen and (max-width: #{map-get($grid-breakpoints, 'lg') - 0.02})',
    'md-and-up': 'only screen and (min-width: #{map-get($grid-breakpoints, 'md')})',
    'lg-only': 'only screen and (min-width: #{map-get($grid-breakpoints, 'lg')}) and (max-width: #{map-get($grid-breakpoints, 'xl') - 0.02})',
    'lg-and-down': 'only screen and (max-width: #{map-get($grid-breakpoints, 'xl') - 0.02})',
    'lg-and-up': 'only screen and (min-width: #{map-get($grid-breakpoints, 'lg')})',
    'xl-only': 'only screen and (min-width: #{map-get($grid-breakpoints, 'xl')})'

$font-weights: () !default;
$font-weights: map-deep-merge(
    'thin': 100,
    'light': 300,
    'regular': 400,
    'medium': 500,
    'bold': 700,
    'black': 900

$heading-font-family: $body-font-family !default;

$headings: () !default;
$headings: map-deep-merge(
    'h1': (
      'size': 6rem,
      'weight': 300,
      'line-height': 6rem,
      'letter-spacing': -.015625em,
      'font-family': $heading-font-family,
      'text-transform': false
    'h2': (
      'size': 3.75rem,
      'weight': 300,
      'line-height': 3.75rem,
      'letter-spacing': -.0083333333em,
      'font-family': $heading-font-family,
      'text-transform': false
    'h3': (
      'size': 3rem,
      'weight': 400,
      'line-height': 3.125rem,
      'letter-spacing': normal,
      'font-family': $heading-font-family,
      'text-transform': false
    'h4': (
      'size': 2.125rem,
      'weight': 400,
      'line-height': 2.5rem,
      'letter-spacing': .0073529412em,
      'font-family': $heading-font-family,
      'text-transform': false
    'h5': (
      'size': 1.5rem,
      'weight': 400,
      'line-height': 2rem,
      'letter-spacing': normal,
      'font-family': $heading-font-family,
      'text-transform': false
    'h6': (
      'size': 1.25rem,
      'weight': 500,
      'line-height': 2rem,
      'letter-spacing': .0125em,
      'font-family': $heading-font-family,
      'text-transform': false
    'subtitle-1': (
      'size': 1rem,
      'weight': normal,
      'line-height': 1.75rem,
      'letter-spacing': .009375em,
      'font-family': $body-font-family,
      'text-transform': false
    'subtitle-2': (
      'size': .875rem,
      'weight': 500,
      'line-height': 1.375rem,
      'letter-spacing': .0071428571em,
      'font-family': $body-font-family,
      'text-transform': false
    'body-1': (
      'size': 1rem,
      'weight': 400,
      'line-height': 1.5rem,
      'letter-spacing': .03125em,
      'font-family': $body-font-family,
      'text-transform': false
    'body-2': (
      'size': .875rem,
      'weight': 400,
      'line-height': 1.25rem,
      'letter-spacing': .0178571429em,
      'font-family': $body-font-family,
      'text-transform': false
    'button': (
      'size': .875rem,
      'weight': 500,
      'line-height': 2.25rem,
      'letter-spacing': .0892857143em,
      'font-family': $body-font-family,
      'text-transform': uppercase
    'caption': (
      'size': .75rem,
      'weight': 400,
      'line-height': 1.25rem,
      'letter-spacing': .0333333333em,
      'font-family': $body-font-family,
      'text-transform': false
    'overline': (
      'size': .75rem,
      'weight': 500,
      'line-height': 2rem,
      'letter-spacing': .1666666667em,
      'font-family': $body-font-family,
      'text-transform': uppercase

$typography: () !default;
@each $type, $values in $headings {
  $typography: map-deep-merge(
    (#{$type}: map-values($values))

$transition: () !default;
$transition: map-deep-merge(
    'fast-out-slow-in': cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1),
    'linear-out-slow-in': cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1),
    'fast-out-linear-in': cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 1, 1),
    'ease-in-out': cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.6, 1),
    'fast-in-fast-out': cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.25, 1),
    'swing': cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.8, 0.5, 1)
$primary-transition: 0.3s map-get($transition, 'swing') !default;
$secondary-transition: 0.2s map-get($transition, 'ease-in-out') !default;

// Ripples //;
$ripple-animation-transition-in: transform 0.25s map-get($transition, 'fast-out-slow-in'), opacity 0.1s map-get($transition, 'fast-out-slow-in') !default;
$ripple-animation-transition-out: opacity 0.3s map-get($transition, 'fast-out-slow-in') !default;
$ripple-animation-visible-opacity: 0.25 !default;

// Elements //;
$bootable-transition: 0.2s map-get($transition, 'fast-out-slow-in') !default;
$blockquote-font-size: 18px !default;
$blockquote-font-weight: 300 !default;
$code-kbd-border-radius: 3px !default;
$code-kbd-font-size: 85% !default;
$code-kbd-font-weight: normal !default;
$code-padding: .2em .4em !default;
$kbd-padding: .2em .4rem !default;
$input-top-spacing: 16px !default;
$text-field-active-label-height: 12px !default;



    font-size: map-deep-get($headings, 'h1', 'size') !important
    font-weight: map-deep-get($headings, 'h1', 'weight')
    line-height: map-deep-get($headings, 'h1', 'line-height')
    letter-spacing: map-deep-get($headings, 'h1', 'letter-spacing') !important
    font-family: map-deep-get($headings, 'h1', 'font-family') !important

    font-size: map-deep-get($headings, 'h2', 'size') !important
    font-weight: map-deep-get($headings, 'h2', 'weight')
    line-height: map-deep-get($headings, 'h2', 'line-height')
    letter-spacing: map-deep-get($headings, 'h2', 'letter-spacing') !important
    font-family: map-deep-get($headings, 'h2', 'font-family') !important

    font-size: map-deep-get($headings, 'h3', 'size') !important
    font-weight: map-deep-get($headings, 'h3', 'weight')
    line-height: map-deep-get($headings, 'h3', 'line-height')
    letter-spacing: map-deep-get($headings, 'h3', 'letter-spacing') !important
    font-family: map-deep-get($headings, 'h3', 'font-family') !important

    font-size: map-deep-get($headings, 'h4', 'size') !important
    font-weight: map-deep-get($headings, 'h4', 'weight')
    line-height: map-deep-get($headings, 'h4', 'line-height')
    letter-spacing: map-deep-get($headings, 'h4', 'letter-spacing') !important
    font-family: map-deep-get($headings, 'h4', 'font-family') !important

    font-size: map-deep-get($headings, 'h5', 'size') !important
    font-weight: map-deep-get($headings, 'h5', 'weight')
    line-height: map-deep-get($headings, 'h5', 'line-height')
    letter-spacing: map-deep-get($headings, 'h5', 'letter-spacing') !important
    font-family: map-deep-get($headings, 'h5', 'font-family') !important

    font-size: map-deep-get($headings, 'h6', 'size') !important
    font-weight: map-deep-get($headings, 'h6', 'weight')
    line-height: map-deep-get($headings, 'h6', 'line-height')
    letter-spacing: map-deep-get($headings, 'h6', 'letter-spacing') !important
    font-family: map-deep-get($headings, 'h6', 'font-family') !important

    font-size: map-deep-get($headings, 'subtitle-2', 'size') !important
    font-weight: map-deep-get($headings, 'subtitle-2', 'weight')
    letter-spacing: map-deep-get($headings, 'subtitle-2', 'letter-spacing') !important
    line-height: map-deep-get($headings, 'subtitle-2', 'line-height')
    font-family: map-deep-get($headings, 'subtitle-2', 'font-family') !important

    font-size: map-deep-get($headings, 'subtitle-1', 'size') !important
    font-weight: map-deep-get($headings, 'subtitle-1', 'weight')
    letter-spacing: map-deep-get($headings, 'subtitle-1', 'letter-spacing') !important
    line-height: map-deep-get($headings, 'subtitle-1', 'line-height')
    font-family: map-deep-get($headings, 'subtitle-1', 'font-family') !important

    font-size: map-deep-get($headings, 'body-2', 'size') !important
    font-weight: map-deep-get($headings, 'body-2', 'weight')
    letter-spacing: map-deep-get($headings, 'body-2', 'letter-spacing') !important
    line-height: map-deep-get($headings, 'body-2', 'line-height')
    font-family: map-deep-get($headings, 'body-2', 'font-family') !important

    font-size: map-deep-get($headings, 'body-1', 'size') !important
    font-weight: map-deep-get($headings, 'body-1', 'weight')
    letter-spacing: map-deep-get($headings, 'body-1', 'letter-spacing') !important
    line-height: map-deep-get($headings, 'body-1', 'line-height')
    font-family: map-deep-get($headings, 'body-1', 'font-family') !important

    font-size: map-deep-get($headings, 'caption', 'size') !important
    font-weight: map-deep-get($headings, 'caption', 'weight')
    letter-spacing: map-deep-get($headings, 'caption', 'letter-spacing') !important
    line-height: map-deep-get($headings, 'caption', 'line-height')
    font-family: map-deep-get($headings, 'caption', 'font-family') !important

    font-size: map-deep-get($headings, 'overline', 'size') !important
    font-weight: map-deep-get($headings, 'overline', 'weight')
    letter-spacing: map-deep-get($headings, 'overline', 'letter-spacing') !important
    line-height: map-deep-get($headings, 'overline', 'line-height')
    text-transform: uppercase
    font-family: map-deep-get($headings, 'overline', 'font-family') !important

    margin-bottom: $spacer * 4

폰트 변수 사용 방법

@import '~vuetify/src/styles/styles.sass';

@mixin headings-nowrap($var) {
  font-family: map-deep-get($headings, $var, 'font-family');
  font-size: map-deep-get($headings, $var, 'size');
  font-weight: map-deep-get($headings, $var, 'weight');
  line-height: map-deep-get($headings, $var, 'line-height');
  letter-spacing: map-deep-get($headings, $var, 'letter-spacing');
  white-space: nowrap;

.card {
  @include headings-nowrap('h1');

a4y 의 "MainSummary" 에 사용했다.

See also