cl.exe, link.exe와 같은 도구는 일반 cmd에서 사용할 수 없다. 따라서 Visual Studio에서 제공하는 Visual Studio Command Prompt
를 실행해야 하다.
x86_64컴파일을 위한 VS2015 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt명령행은 아래와 같이 실행된다.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat
에 위치한 스크립트는 아래와 같다.
@echo off
REM VC command prompt depends on env. variable installed during VS. This causes VC command prompt to break for C++ Build SKU.
REM So if VS is not installed and C++ Build SKU is installed, set appropriate environment for C++ Build SKU by calling into its batch file.
REM C++ Build SKU supports only desktop development environment.
if exist "%~dp0..\common7\IDE\devenv.exe" goto setup_VS
if not exist "%~dp0..\common7\IDE\wdexpress.exe" goto setup_buildsku
if "%1" == "" goto x86
if "%2" == "" goto check_platform
set _Argument2=%2
if not "%2"=="store" if not "%2"=="8.1" if not "%_Argument2:~0,3%"=="10." goto usage
if /i %1 == x86 goto x86
if /i %1 == amd64 goto amd64
if /i %1 == x64 goto amd64
if /i %1 == arm goto arm
if /i %1 == x86_arm goto x86_arm
if /i %1 == x86_amd64 goto x86_amd64
if /i %1 == amd64_x86 goto amd64_x86
if /i %1 == amd64_arm goto amd64_arm
goto usage
if not exist "%~dp0bin\vcvars32.bat" goto missing
call "%~dp0bin\vcvars32.bat" %2 %3
goto :SetVisualStudioVersion
if not exist "%~dp0bin\amd64\vcvars64.bat" goto missing
call "%~dp0bin\amd64\vcvars64.bat" %2 %3
goto :SetVisualStudioVersion
if not exist "%~dp0bin\arm\vcvarsarm.bat" goto missing
call "%~dp0bin\arm\vcvarsarm.bat" %2 %3
goto :SetVisualStudioVersion
if not exist "%~dp0bin\x86_amd64\vcvarsx86_amd64.bat" goto missing
call "%~dp0bin\x86_amd64\vcvarsx86_amd64.bat" %2 %3
goto :SetVisualStudioVersion
if not exist "%~dp0bin\x86_arm\vcvarsx86_arm.bat" goto missing
call "%~dp0bin\x86_arm\vcvarsx86_arm.bat" %2 %3
goto :SetVisualStudioVersion
if not exist "%~dp0bin\amd64_x86\vcvarsamd64_x86.bat" goto missing
call "%~dp0bin\amd64_x86\vcvarsamd64_x86.bat" %2 %3
goto :SetVisualStudioVersion
if not exist "%~dp0bin\amd64_arm\vcvarsamd64_arm.bat" goto missing
call "%~dp0bin\amd64_arm\vcvarsamd64_arm.bat" %2 %3
goto :SetVisualStudioVersion
set VisualStudioVersion=14.0
goto :eof
if not exist "%~dp0..\..\Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools\vcbuildtools.bat" goto usage
set CurrentDir=%CD%
call "%~dp0..\..\Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools\vcbuildtools.bat" %1 %2
cd /d %CurrentDir%
goto :eof
echo Error in script usage. The correct usage is:
echo %0 [option]
echo or
echo %0 [option] store
echo or
echo %0 [option] [version number]
echo or
echo %0 [option] store [version number]
echo where [option] is: x86 ^| amd64 ^| arm ^| x86_amd64 ^| x86_arm ^| amd64_x86 ^| amd64_arm
echo where [version number] is either the full Windows 10 SDK version number or "8.1" to use the windows 8.1 SDK
echo :
echo The store parameter sets environment variables to support
echo store (rather than desktop) development.
echo :
echo For example:
echo %0 x86_amd64
echo %0 x86_arm store
echo %0 x86_amd64 10.0.10240.0
echo %0 x86_arm store 10.0.10240.0
echo %0 x64 8.1
echo %0 x64 store 8.1
echo :
echo Please make sure either Visual Studio or C++ Build SKU is installed.
goto :eof
echo The specified configuration type is missing. The tools for the
echo configuration might not be installed.
goto :eof