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JavaScript image viewer.

Dynamic loading

      document.getElementById('button').addEventListener('click', function () {
        var image = new Image();

        image.src = '../images/tibet-1.jpg';

        var viewer = new Viewer(image, {
          hidden: function () {


Vue.js+Viewer.js component

        class="d-flex flex-row align-center justify-center"
    <!-- a block container is required -->
    <div v-else>

<script lang="ts">
import {Vue, Component, Prop, Ref, Watch} from 'vue-property-decorator';
import colors from 'vuetify/lib/util/colors'
import Viewer from 'viewerjs';
import 'viewerjs/dist/viewer.css';

function defaultOptions() {
  return {
    navbar: false,
    toolbar: {
      flipHorizontal: 1,
      flipVertical: 1,
      next: 0,
      oneToOne: 1,
      play: 0,
      prev: 0,
      reset: 1,
      rotateLeft: 1,
      rotateRight: 1,
      zoomIn: 1,
      zoomOut: 1,
    } as Viewer.ToolbarOptions,
  } as Viewer.Options;

export default class ImagePreview extends Vue {
  @Prop({type: String})
  readonly src!: string;

  @Prop({type: String})
  readonly alt!: string;

  @Prop({type: String})
  readonly backgroundColor!: string;

  @Prop({type: String})
  readonly progressColor!: string;

  @Prop({type: [String, Number]})
  readonly width!: string | number;

  @Prop({type: [String, Number]})
  readonly height!: string | number;

  @Prop({type: [String, Number]})
  readonly minWidth!: string | number;

  @Prop({type: [String, Number]})
  readonly minHeight!: string | number;

  @Prop({type: [String, Number]})
  readonly maxWidth!: string | number;

  @Prop({type: [String, Number]})
  readonly maxHeight!: string | number;

  @Prop({type: Object, default: defaultOptions})
  readonly options!: Viewer.Options;

  @Prop({type: Boolean})
  readonly loading!: boolean;

  @Prop({type: Boolean})
  readonly preview!: boolean;

  readonly image!: HTMLImageElement;

  viewer?: Viewer;

  mounted() {

  watchOptions() {

  refreshViewer() {
    if (this.preview) {
      this.viewer = new Viewer(this.image, this.options);

  show() {
    if (this.viewer) {;

  get progressCircularColor() {
    if (this.progressColor) {
      return this.progressColor;
    if (this.$vuetify.theme.dark) {
      return colors.grey.darken1;
    } else {
      return colors.grey.lighten5;

  get previewBackgroundColor() {
    if (this.backgroundColor) {
      return this.backgroundColor;
    if (this.$vuetify.theme.dark) {
      return colors.grey.darken3;
    } else {
      return colors.grey.lighten2;

  get progressStyle() {
    return {
      'width': this.width,
      'height': this.height,
      'min-width': this.minWidth,
      'min-height': this.minHeight,
      'max-width': this.maxWidth,
      'max-height': this.maxHeight,
      'background-color': this.previewBackgroundColor,

  get imgStyle() {
    return {
      'min-width': this.minWidth,
      'min-height': this.minHeight,
      'max-width': this.maxWidth,
      'max-height': this.maxHeight,


  • Supports 52 options
  • Supports 23 methods
  • Supports 17 events
  • Supports modal and inline modes
  • Supports touch
  • Supports move
  • Supports zoom
  • Supports rotation
  • Supports scale (flip)
  • Supports keyboard
  • Cross-browser support

See also

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