- TypeScript
- tsd - Check TypeScript type definitions
- npm-dts - This utility generates single index.d.ts file for whole NPM package.
Webpack plugins
declaration-bundler-webpack-plugin - webpack-plugin-typescript-declaration-bundler (Based on:
declaration-bundler-webpack-plugin) - typescript-declaration-webpack-plugin
- awesome-typescript-loader
- npm-dts-webpack-plugin (npm-dts)
ts-loader 사용시
Type Checking and d.ts file generation
tsc 실행시 tsconfig.json에 다음 내용 첨부
"compilerOptions": {
// Ensure that .d.ts files are created by tsc, but not .js files
"declaration": true,
"emitDeclarationOnly": true,
// Ensure that Babel can safely transpile files in the TypeScript project
"isolatedModules": true