Creational | Abstract factory, Builder, Dependency injection, Factory method, Lazy initialization, Multiton, Object pool, Prototype, RAII, Singleton |
Structural | Adapter, Bridge, Composite, Decorator, Delegation, Facade, Flyweight, Front controller, Marker interface, Module, Proxy, Twin |
Behavioral | Blackboard, Chain of responsibility, Command, Interpreter, Iterator, Mediator, Memento, Null object, Observer, Servant, Specification, State, Strategy, Template method, Visitor |
Functional | Monoid, Functor, Applicative, Monad, Comonad, Free monad, HOF, Currying, Function composition, Closure, Generator |
Concurrency | Active object, Actor, Balking, Barrier, Binding properties, Coroutine, Compute kernel, Double-checked locking, Event-based asynchronous, Fiber, Futex, Futures and promises, Guarded suspension, Immutable object, Join, Lock, Messaging, Monitor, Nuclear, Proactor, Reactor, Read write lock, Scheduler, STM, Thread pool, Thread-local storage |
Architectural | ADR, Active record, Broker, Client–server, CBD, DAO, DTO, DDD, ECB, ECS, EDA, Front controller, Identity map, Interceptor, Implicit invocation, Inversion of control, Model 2, MOM, Microservices, MVA, MVC, MVP, MVVM, Monolithic, Multitier, Naked objects, ORB, P2P, Publish–subscribe, PAC, REST, SOA, Service locator, Specification |
Cloud Distributed | Ambassador, Anti-Corruption Layer, Bulkhead, Cache-Aside, Circuit Breaker, CQRS, Compensating Transaction, Competing Consumers, Compute Resource Consolidation, Event Sourcing, External Configuration Store, Federated Identity, Gatekeeper, Index Table, Leader Election, MapReduce, Materialized View, Pipes, Filters, Priority Queue, Publisher-Subscriber, Queue-Based Load Leveling, Retry, Scheduler Agent Supervisor, Sharding, Sidecar, Strangler, Throttling, Valet Key |
Other | Business delegate, Composite entity, Intercepting filter, Lazy loading, Mangler, Mock object, Type tunnel, Method chaining |
Books | Design Patterns, Enterprise Integration Patterns, Code Complete, POSA |
People | Christopher Alexander, Erich Gamma, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides, Grady Booch, Kent Beck, Ward Cunningham, Martin Fowler, Robert Martin, Jim Coplien, Douglas Schmidt, Linda Rising |
Communities | The Hillside Group, The Portland Pattern Repository |