Math and numerics | Data structures | Containers | Function objects and higher-order programming | Miscellaneous |
- Accumulators
- Geometry
- Integer
- Interval
- Math
- Mmath Common Factor
- Math Octonion
- Math Quaternion
- Math/Special Functions
- Math/Statistical Distributions
- Multi-Array
- Multiprecision
- Numeric conversion
- Odeint
- Operators
- Polygon
- Random
- Ratio
- Rational
| - Any
- Bitmap
- Compressed Pair
- Container
- Fusion
- Geometry
- Heap
- Multi-Index
- Pointer Container
- Polygon
- Property Tree
- Tuple
- Uuid
- Variant
| | - Bind
- Function
- Functional
- Functional/Factory
- Functional/Forward
- Functional/Hash
- Functional/Overloaded Function
- Lambda
- Local Function
- Member Function
- Phoenix
- Ref
- Result Of
- Signals
- Signals2
- Utility
| |
Generic Programming | Template Metaprogramming | String and text processing | Concurrent Programming | Algorithms |
- Call Traits
- Concept Check
- Enable If
- Function Types
- In Place Factory
- Operators
- Property Map
- Static Assert
- Type Traits
| | | | - Algorithm
- Foreach
- Geometry
- Graph
- Min-Max
- Range
- String Algo
- Utility
Language Features Emulation | System | Domain Specific | Patterns and Idioms | Input/Output |
- Exception
- Foreach
- Move
- Parameter
- Scope Exit
- Type Index
- Typeof
| | | | |
Iterators | Correctness and testing | Memory | Programming Interfaces | State Machines |
| | Utility | | - Meta State Machine
- Statechart
Preprocessor Metaprogramming | Broken compiler workarounds | Parsing | Image processing | Inter-language support |
| | | | |