- Python Enhancement Proposals (PEP)
- PEP 8 - Style Guide for Python Code
- PEP 405 - Python Virtual Environments
- PEP 425 - Compatibility Tags for Built Distributions
- PEP 427 (wheel) - The Wheel Binary Package Format 1.0
- PEP 432 - Restructuring the CPython startup sequence (CPython 시작 시퀀스 재구성)
- PEP 440 - Version Identification and Dependency Specification
- PEP 484 - Type Hints, pyi에 해당하는 "Stub Files"에 대한 내용도 포함.
- PEP 498 - Literal String Interpolation (
이거) - PEP 525 - Asynchronous Generators (
, __anext__
, async for
, typing.AsyncGenerator
) - PEP 544 - Protocols: Structural subtyping (static duck typing)
- PEP 578 - Python Runtime Audit Hooks
- PEP 685 - Comparison of extra names for optional distribution dependencies
- PEP 692 - Using TypedDict for more precise
**kwargs typing
- PEP 703 - Making the Global Interpreter Lock Optional in CPython (nogil)
- PEP 3333 - Python Web Server Gateway Interface v1.0.1