Subject Alternative Name
Subject Alternative Name (SAN) is an extension to X.509 that allows various values to be associated with a security certificate using a subjectAltName field. These values are called Subject Alternative Names (SANs).
SAN 이라고도 하며 Subject Alternative Name 약자입니다. RFC 국제 표준 X.509 확장 기술 입니다. 웹브라우져에서 인증서 상세보기 항목중 [주체 대체 이름 - DNS Name] 항목이 해당됩니다. 인증서 포맷에 따라서 Email, IP 등 여러가지를 포함할수 있습니다.
Names include
- Email addresses
- IP addresses
- URIs
- DNS names (this is usually also provided as the Common Name RDN within the Subject field of the main certificate.)
- directory names (alternative Distinguished Names to that given in the Subject)
- other names, given as a General Name: a registered[3] object identifier followed by a value