Std::ios base
(std::ios_base::openmode로도 접근 가능)
typedef /*implementation defined*/ openmode;
// ...
static constexpr openmode app = /*implementation defined*/
static constexpr openmode binary = /*implementation defined*/
static constexpr openmode in = /*implementation defined*/
static constexpr openmode out = /*implementation defined*/
static constexpr openmode trunc = /*implementation defined*/
static constexpr openmode ate = /*implementation defined*/
Specifies available file open flags. It is a BitmaskType, the following constants are defined:
Constant | Explanation |
app | seek to the end of stream before each write |
binary | open in binary mode |
in | open for reading |
out | open for writing |
trunc | discard the contents of the stream when opening |
ate | seek to the end of stream immediately after open |
fmtflags consts
Constant | Explanation |
dec | use decimal base for integer I/O: see std::dec |
oct | use octal base for integer I/O: see std::oct |
hex | use hexadecimal base for integer I/O: see std::hex |
basefield | |
left | left adjustment (adds fill characters to the right): see std::left |
right | right adjustment (adds fill characters to the left): see std::right |
internal | internal adjustment (adds fill characters to the internal designated point): see std::internal |
adjustfield | |
scientific | generate floating point types using scientific notation, or hex notation if combined with fixed: see std::scientific |
fixed | generate floating point types using fixed notation, or hex notation if combined with scientific: see std::fixed |
floatfield | |
boolalpha | insert and extract |
showbase | generate a prefix indicating the numeric base for integer output, require the currency indicator in monetary I/O: see std::showbase |
showpoint | generate a decimal-point character unconditionally for floating-point number output: see std::showpoint |
showpos | generate a |
skipws | skip leading whitespace before certain input operations: see std::skipws |
unitbuf | flush the output after each output operation: see std::unitbuf |
uppercase | replace certain lowercase letters with their uppercase equivalents in certain output output operations: see std::uppercase |
// modify precision
#include <iostream> // std::cout, std::ios
int main () {
double f = 3.14159;
std::cout.unsetf ( std::ios::floatfield ); // floatfield not set
std::cout << f << '\n';
std::cout << f << '\n';
std::cout.setf( std::ios::fixed, std:: ios::floatfield ); // floatfield set to fixed
std::cout << f << '\n';
return 0;
Notice how the first number written is just 5 digits long, while the second is 6, but not more, even though the stream's precision is now 10. That is because precision with the default floatfield only specifies the maximum number of digits to be displayed, but not the minimum. The third number printed displays 10 digits after the decimal point because the floatfield format flag is in this case set to fixed.