Geometric objects, predicates, and operations
- COCOAPI#UnionPolygons - 전체
영역을 병합하는 Python코드.
Geometry types
- A geometry type that represents a single coordinate with x,y and possibly z values. -
- A geometry type composed of one or more line segments. -
- A geometry type composed of one or more line segments that forms a closed loop. -
Polygon([shell, holes])
- A geometry type representing an area that is enclosed by a linear ring. -
- A collection of one or more Points. -
- A collection of one or more LineStrings. -
- A collection of one or more Polygons. -
- A collection of one or more geometries that may contain more than one type of geometry.
- 영역 계산:
- 길이 계산:
- Bounding box:
- Polygon coords to list:
intersection vs symmetric_difference
intersection 결과로 GeometryCollection 를 받았을 경우
동일한 결과는 아니지만, convex_hull
을 사용하면 Polygon 으로 받을 수 있다.
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
def intersection_polygons(*polygons: Polygon) -> Polygon:
pivot = polygons[0]
for polygon in polygons[1:]:
pivot = pivot.intersection(polygon)
if pivot.geom_type == "GeometryCollection":
return pivot.convex_hull
elif pivot.geom_type == "MultiPolygon":
return pivot.convex_hull
elif pivot.geom_type == "Polygon":
return pivot
raise NotImplementedError(f"Unsupported geom type: {pivot.geom_type}")
에 대한 자세한 내용은 Convex hull항목 참조.
Access raw datas
Merge Polygons
- Stackoverflow - Make a union of polygons in GeoPandas, or Shapely (into a single geometry)
- How to Merge Polygons in Python
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from shapely.ops import cascaded_union
polygon1 = Polygon([(0, 0), (5, 3), (5, 0)])
polygon2 = Polygon([(0, 0), (3, 10), (3, 0)])
polygons = [polygon1, polygon2]
u = cascaded_union(polygons)
도형과 직선의 교점 구하기
from shaply.geometry import Point, LineString
line = LineString([(-1., -1.),(1., 1.)])
# (-1,-1)과 (1,1)을 잇는 직선을 뜻하는 line이라는 객체를 생성할 수 있습니다.
circle = Point(0., 0.).buffer(1.).boundary
# Point 함수로 원의 중점을 지정해주고 buffer라는 operation을 이용하여 반지름을 지정해주면 됩니다.
# 저는 속이 꽉 찬원이 아닌, 원의 경계선을 만들어 주고 싶었기 때문에 .boundary 옵션을 붙여주었습니다.
segment = line.difference(circle)[1]
# 위와 같이 .difference 함수를 사용하면 차집합의 원소가 구해지고, segment들이 직선이니까 양 끝점의 좌표를 통해 표시됩니다.
# 인덱스를 통해 각 원소에 접근 가능한데, 0번 인덱스는 위 사진에서 segment1, 1번 인덱스는 segment2, 2번 인덱스는 segment3을 뜻합니다.
print(segment.coords[0], segment.coords[1])
# .coords 옵션을 통해 1번 인덱스에 해당하는 좌표를 뽑아보면
# `(-0.7071067811865475, -0.7071067811865475) (0.7071067811865474, 0.7071067811865474)`
# 결과는 우리가 설정해준대로 unit circle과 y=x 직선의 교점이 출력됨을 알 수 있습니다.
Geometry coordinates
가장 일반적으로 사용되는 5가지 지오메트리 유형의 좌표에 액세스할 수 있는 방법:
Geometry type | Access method |
Point coordinates | |
LineString coordinates | |
MultiLineString coordinates | |
Polygon coordinates | |
MultiPolygon coordinates | |
Raw array
순수 파이썬 자료구조로 변환하는 방법
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from itertools import chain
from typing import List, Optional
from shapely import (
from shapely.geometry.base import BaseGeometry
NumberT = TypeVar("NumberT", int, float)
PointT = Tuple[NumberT, NumberT]
def raw_points(base: Optional[BaseGeometry]) -> List[PointT]:
if base is None:
return list()
elif base.is_empty:
return list()
elif base.geom_type == "GeometryCollection":
assert isinstance(base, GeometryCollection)
return list(chain(*[raw_points(geom) for geom in base.geoms]))
elif base.geom_type == "MultiPolygon":
assert isinstance(base, MultiPolygon)
raise NotImplementedError
elif base.geom_type == "Polygon":
assert isinstance(base, Polygon)
raise NotImplementedError
elif base.geom_type == "MultiLineString":
assert isinstance(base, MultiLineString)
return list(chain(*[raw_points(geom) for geom in base.geoms]))
elif base.geom_type == "LinearRing":
assert isinstance(base, LinearRing)
raise NotImplementedError
elif base.geom_type == "LineString":
assert isinstance(base, LineString)
return [(c[0], c[1]) for c in base.coords]
elif base.geom_type == "MultiPoint":
assert isinstance(base, MultiPoint)
return list(chain(*[raw_points(geom) for geom in base.geoms]))
elif base.geom_type == "Point":
assert isinstance(base, Point)
return [(base.x, base.y)]
raise TypeError(f"Unsupported geom type: {base.geom_type}")
def filter_polygons(base: Optional[BaseGeometry]) -> List[Polygon]:
if base is None:
return list()
elif base.is_empty:
return list()
elif base.geom_type == "GeometryCollection":
assert isinstance(base, GeometryCollection)
return list(chain(*[filter_polygons(geom) for geom in base.geoms]))
elif base.geom_type == "MultiPolygon":
assert isinstance(base, MultiPolygon)
return list(chain(*[filter_polygons(geom) for geom in base.geoms]))
elif base.geom_type == "Polygon":
assert isinstance(base, Polygon)
return [base]
elif base.geom_type == "MultiLineString":
assert isinstance(base, MultiLineString)
return list()
elif base.geom_type == "LinearRing":
assert isinstance(base, LinearRing)
return list()
elif base.geom_type == "LineString":
assert isinstance(base, LineString)
return list()
elif base.geom_type == "MultiPoint":
assert isinstance(base, MultiPoint)
return list()
elif base.geom_type == "Point":
assert isinstance(base, Point)
return list()
raise TypeError(f"Unsupported geom type: {base.geom_type}")
OpenCV Contour
OpenCV의 Contour 와 상호 변환 방법
from typing import List, Tuple, TypeVar
from numpy import array, int32
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from shapely import LineString, MultiPolygon, Polygon
from shapely.geometry.base import BaseGeometry
NumberT = TypeVar("NumberT", int, float)
PointT = Tuple[NumberT, NumberT]
LineT = Tuple[PointT, PointT]
RectT = Tuple[NumberT, NumberT, NumberT, NumberT]
def cvt_contour2polygon(contour: NDArray) -> Polygon:
assert len(contour.shape) == 3
assert contour.shape[0] >= 4
assert contour.shape[1] == 1
assert contour.shape[2] == 2
return Polygon(contour[:, 0, :].tolist())
def cvt_contour2linestring(contour: NDArray) -> LineString:
assert len(contour.shape) == 3
assert contour.shape[0] >= 4
assert contour.shape[1] == 1
assert contour.shape[2] == 2
return LineString(contour[:, 0, :].tolist())
def cvt_line2linestring(line: LineT) -> LineString:
return LineString([*line])
def cvt_polygon2contour(polygon: Polygon, dtype=int32) -> NDArray:
if polygon.is_empty:
raise ValueError("Polygon must not be empty")
coords = polygon.exterior.coords
shape = len(coords), 1, 2
return array(coords, dtype=dtype).reshape(shape)
def cvt_multipolygon2contours(multipolygon: MultiPolygon, dtype=int32) -> List[NDArray]:
if multipolygon.is_empty:
raise ValueError("Polygon must not be empty")
return [cvt_polygon2contour(polygon, dtype) for polygon in multipolygon.geoms]
def cvt_geometry2contours(geom: BaseGeometry, dtype=int32) -> List[NDArray]:
if geom.is_empty:
raise ValueError("Geometry must not be empty")
if geom.geom_type == "Polygon":
assert isinstance(geom, Polygon)
return [cvt_polygon2contour(geom, dtype)]
elif geom.geom_type == "MultiPolygon":
assert isinstance(geom, MultiPolygon)
return cvt_multipolygon2contours(geom, dtype)
raise TypeError(f"Unsupported geom type: {geom.geom_type}")
def cvt_roi2contour(roi: RectT, dtype=int32) -> NDArray:
x1, y1, x2, y2 = roi
shell = (x1, y1), (x2, y1), (x2, y2), (x1, y2), (x1, y1)
raw = [p for xy in shell for p in xy]
contour = array(raw, dtype=dtype).reshape((5, 1, 2))
assert len(contour.shape) == 3
assert contour.shape[0] == len(shell)
assert contour.shape[1] == 1
assert contour.shape[2] == 2
return contour
def cvt_roi2polygon(roi: RectT) -> Polygon:
x1, y1, x2, y2 = roi
return Polygon([(x1, y1), (x2, y1), (x2, y2), (x1, y2)])
AreaType = Union[NDArray, RectT]
def cvt_area2polygon(area: AreaType) -> Polygon:
if isinstance(area, ndarray):
return cvt_contour2polygon(area)
elif isinstance(area, (tuple, list)):
if len(area) == 4:
return cvt_roi2polygon(area)
raise TypeError(f"Unsupported area type: {type(area).__name__}")