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SBT는 최신 빌드 도구 중 하나이다. 스칼라로 작성되었고, 스칼라에 사용하기 편한 기능을 많이 제공하기는 하지만, SBT 자체는 범용 빌드 도구이다.


SBT를 쓰는 이유는?

  • 의존성 관리
    • 의존성 관리에 Ivy를 사용
    • 요청이 올때만 업데이트(Only-update-on-request) 모델
  • 태스크를 작성할 수 있도록 스칼라 언어 전체를 지원
  • 연속으로 명령 실행
  • 프로젝트 문맥(환경)하에서 REPL 실행 가능


  • sonatypeList: List staging repositories
  • sonatypeOpen: Create a staging repository and set publishTo
  • sonatypeClose: Close a stage and clear publishTo if it was set by sonatypeOpen
  • sonatypePromote: Promote a staged repository
  • sonatypeDrop: Drop a staging repository
  • sonatypeRelease: Publish with sonatypeClose and sonatypePromote
  • sonatypeReleaseAll: Publish all staging repositories to Maven central
  • sonatypeLog: Show repository activities
  • coverage: ';set coverageEnabled in ThisBuild := true'
  • coverageOn: ';set coverageEnabled in ThisBuild := true'
  • coverageOff: ';set coverageEnabled in ThisBuild := false'
  • publishC: ';reload;clean;assembly;publish'
  • about: Displays basic information about sbt and the build.
  • tasks: Lists the tasks defined for the current project.
  • settings: Lists the settings defined for the current project.
  • reload: (Re)loads the current project or changes to plugins project or returns from it.
  • new: Creates a new sbt build.
  • projects: Lists the names of available projects or temporarily adds/removes extra builds to the session.
  • project: Displays the current project or changes to the provided project.
  • set [every]<setting>: Evaluates a Setting and applies it to the current project.
  • session: Manipulates session settings.</code>: For details, run 'help session'.
  • inspect [tree|uses|definitions|actual]<key>: Prints the value for 'key', the defining scope, delegates, related definitions, and dependencies.
  • <log-level>: Sets the logging level to 'log-level'.</code>: Valid levels: debug, info, warn, error
  • plugins: Lists currently available plugins.
  • --addPluginSbtFile=<file>: Adds the given *.sbt file to the plugin build.
  • last: Displays output from a previous command or the output from a specific task.
  • last-grep: Shows lines from the last output for 'key' that match 'pattern'.
  • lastGrep: Shows lines from the last output for 'key' that match 'pattern'.
  • export<tasks>+: Executes tasks and displays the equivalent command lines.
  • show<key>: Displays the result of evaluating the setting or task associated with 'key'.
  • <code>all<task>

    +</code>: Executes all of the specified tasks concurrently.

  • help: Displays this help message or prints detailed help on requested commands (run 'help <command>').
  • completions: Displays a list of completions for the given argument string (run 'completions <string>').
  • ;<command>(;<command>)*: Runs the provided semicolon-separated commands.
  • early(<command>): Schedules a command to run before other commands on startup.
  • exit: Terminates the build.
  • ~<command>: Executes the specified command whenever source files change.

More command help available using 'help<command>' for: !, +, ++, +-, <, ^, ^^, alias, append, apply, client, eval, iflast, java+, java++, onFailure, reboot, shell, startServer


This is a list of tasks defined for the current project. It does not list the scopes the tasks are defined in; use the 'inspect' command for that. Tasks produce values. Use the 'show' command to run the task and print the resulting value.

  • bgRun: Start an application's default main class as a background job
  • bgRunMain: Start a provided main class as a background job
  • checkPgpSignatures: Checks the signatures of artifacts to see if they are trusted.
  • clean: Deletes files produced by the build, such as generated sources, compiled classes, and task caches.
  • compile: Compiles sources.
  • console: Starts the Scala interpreter with the project classes on the classpath.
  • consoleProject: Starts the Scala interpreter with the sbt and the build definition on the classpath and useful imports.
  • consoleQuick: Starts the Scala interpreter with the project dependencies on the classpath.
  • copyResources: Copies resources to the output directory.
  • doc: Generates API documentation.
  • fgRun: Start an application's default main class as a foreground job
  • fgRunMain: Start a provided main class as a foreground job
  • packInstall: pack and install
  • package: Produces the main artifact, such as a binary jar.</code>: This is typically an alias for the task that actually does the packaging.
  • packageBin: Produces a main artifact, such as a binary jar.
  • packageDoc: Produces a documentation artifact, such as a jar containing API documentation.
  • packageSrc: Produces a source artifact, such as a jar containing sources and resources.
  • publish: Publishes artifacts to a repository.
  • publishDoc: Publish doc
  • publishLocal: Publishes artifacts to the local Ivy repository.
  • publishLocalSigned: Publishing all artifacts to a local repository, but SIGNED using PGP.
  • publishM2: Publishes artifacts to the local Maven repository.
  • publishSigned: Publishing all artifacts, but SIGNED using PGP.
  • publishTM: Publish jar
  • run: Runs a main class, passing along arguments provided on the command line.
  • runMain: Runs the main class selected by the first argument, passing the remaining arguments to the main method.
  • test: Executes all tests.
  • testOnly: Executes the tests provided as arguments or all tests if no arguments are provided.
  • testQuick: Executes the tests that either failed before, were not run or whose transitive dependencies changed, among those provided as arguments.
  • update: Resolves and optionally retrieves dependencies, producing a report.

More tasks may be viewed by increasing verbosity. See 'help tasks'


아래 예와 같이 다운로드 받은 jar를 호출하는 셀 스크립트를 작성하라.

$ java -Xmx512M -jar sbt-launch.jar "$@"

앞에서 만든 스크립트가 실행 경로에 포함되어 있는지 확인하라. sbt를 실행해 프로젝트를 시작하라.

프로젝트가 없다면 다음과 같이 새로운 프로젝트를 생성한다.

[local ~/projects]$ sbt
Project does not exist, create new project? (y/N/s) y
Name: sample
Organization: com.twitter
Version [1.0]: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
Scala version [2.7.7]: 2.8.1
sbt version [0.7.4]:      
Getting Scala 2.7.7 ...
:: retrieving :: org.scala-tools.sbt#boot-scala
  confs: [default]
    2 artifacts copied, 0 already retrieved (9911kB/221ms)
Getting org.scala-tools.sbt sbt_2.7.7 0.7.4 ...
:: retrieving :: org.scala-tools.sbt#boot-app
    confs: [default]
    15 artifacts copied, 0 already retrieved (4096kB/167ms)
[success] Successfully initialized directory structure.
Getting Scala 2.8.1 ...
:: retrieving :: org.scala-tools.sbt#boot-scala
    confs: [default]
    2 artifacts copied, 0 already retrieved (15118kB/386ms)
[info] Building project sample 1.0-SNAPSHOT against Scala 2.8.1
[info]    using sbt.DefaultProject with sbt 0.7.4 and Scala 2.7.7

항상 프로젝트 시작시에는 SNAPSHOT 버전을 가지고 시작하라.

프로젝트 구조

  • project – 프로젝트 정의 파일들
    • project/build/.scala – 주 프로젝트 정의 파일
    • project/ – 프로젝트, sbt, 스칼라 버전 정의
  • src/main – 앱 코드가 이 디렉터리 아래 들어감. 언어에 따라 main 아래 하위 디렉터리를 만들고 그 안에 코드를 넣자. (예: src/main/scala, src/main/java)
  • src/main/resources – jar에 추가하고픈 정적 파일들(예: 로그 설정 파일 등)
  • src/test – 앱 코드는 src/main에, 테스트 코드는 여기에 넣는다
  • lib_managed – 프로젝트에서 사용하는(의존하는) jar 파일들. sbt update를 하면 여기에 jar들이 다운로드됨.
  • target – 빌드시 만들어지는 것들이 들어가는 곳(예: generated thrift code, class files, jars)

sbt shell command

  • compile: 컴파일한다.
  • ~compile: 코드에 변경사항이 발생될 경우 자동으로 컴파일 한다. (켜놓고 코딩하면 될듯)
  • run: 실행한다.

See also

Favorite site




  1. Scala_School_-Build_Tool-_SBT.pdf