Ronin is a free and Open Source Ruby toolkit for security research and development. Ronin contains many different CLI commands and Ruby libraries for a variety of security tasks, such as encoding/decoding data, filter IPs/hosts/URLs, querying ASNs, querying DNS, HTTP, scanning for web vulnerabilities, spidering websites, install 3rd party repositories of exploits and/or payloads, run exploits, write new exploits, managing local databases, fuzzing data, and much more.
- 시큐리티 연구 및 개발을 위한 오픈소스 Ruby 툴킷
- 다양한 CLI 및 라이브러리 포함
- 데이터 인코딩/디코딩
- IP/호스트/URL 필터링
- DNS/ASN 쿼리
- 웹 취약점 스캐팅
- 웹사이트 스파이더링
- exploit 작성 및 실행