Resource usage
리소스 사용량을 모니터링하는 프로그램의 총칭.
- ps
- top
- htop
- bashtop
- procs - replacement for ps written in Rust.
- LXTask - (LXDE; 가벼운 태스크 관리자]])
- magic-trace - 프로세스 동작을 고해상도로 추적하는 도구
- Glances
Network Monitoring
- nethogs
- nettop shows packet types, sorts by either size or number of packets.
- ettercap is a network sniffer/interceptor/logger for ethernet
- darkstat breaks down traffic by host, protocol, etc. Geared towards analysing traffic gathered over a longer period, rather than `live' viewing.
- iftop shows network traffic by service and host
- ifstat shows network traffic by interface in a vmstat/iostat-like manner
- gnethogs GTK-based GUI (work-in-progress)
- nethogs-qt Qt-based GUI
- hogwatch A bandwidth monitor(per process) with graphs for desktop/web.
- iptraf-ng is a console-based network monitoring program for Linux that displays information about IP traffic.
- nettop (by Emanuele Oriani) is a simple process/network usage report for Linux.
- iptstate is a top-like interface to your netfilter connection-tracking table.
- flowtop is a top-like netfilter connection tracking tool.
- BusyTasks is a Java-based app using top, iotop and nethogs as backend.
- bandwhich is a terminal bandwidth utilization tool.
- sniffer is a modern alternative network traffic sniffer.
See also
- C/C++
- Resident Set Size (RSS)
- Linux:Proc - Linux의
디렉토리에 대한 설명. - Zombie process
Favorite site
- Stackoverflow - Memory usage of child process in C
- What is the simplest and most accurate way to measure the memory used by a program in a programming contest environment?
- waitpid(2) - Linux man page
- Stackoverflow - How to get memory usage at runtime using C++?
- Stackoverflow - Memory usage of child process in C
- Joinc - 1장. getrlimit(2)
- Github - landley/toybox/toys/pending/lsof.c
- [추천] C/C++ tip: How to get the process resident set size (physical memory use)
- [추천] Resident Set Size (RSS) (Source code examples)
- [추천] Stackoverflow - How to determine CPU and memory consumption from inside a process?
- BusyBox: The Swiss Army Knife of Embedded Linux - root/libbb/procps.c
- BusyBox: The Swiss Army Knife of Embedded Linux - root/procps/top.c
- OS X KERNEL EXPLOIT CASE STUDY: 프로세스 메모리 사용량 조회 등 API 포함.