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Registered jack

(표준화 된 통신 네트워크 인터페이스, 배선 표준에 대한 문서이다. 모듈식 커넥터의 용도는 Modular connector 항목 참조.)

이 문서는 등록 된 잭 (RJ) 배선 표준에 관한 것입니다. 모듈 식 커넥터의 다른 용도에 대해서는 모듈 식 커넥터를 참조하십시오.

Registered jack (RJ) 은 음성 및 데이터 장비를 로컬 교환 통신사 또는 장거리 통신사가 제공하는 서비스에 연결하기위한 표준화 된 통신 네트워크 인터페이스입니다.


A registered jack (RJ) is a standardized telecommunication network interface for connecting voice and data equipment to a service provided by a local exchange carrier or long distance carrier. Registration interfaces were first defined in the Universal Service Ordering Code (USOC) system of the Bell System in the United States for complying with the registration program for customer-supplied telephone equipment mandated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the 1970s. They were subsequently codified in title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 68.

The specification includes physical construction, wiring, and signal semantics. Accordingly, registered jacks are primarily named by the letters RJ, followed by two digits that express the type. Additionally, letter suffixes indicate minor variations. For example, RJ11, RJ14, and RJ25 are the most commonly used interfaces for telephone connections for one-, two-, and three-line service, respectively. Although these standards are legal definitions in the United States, some interfaces are used worldwide.

The connectors used for registered jack installations are primarily the modular connector and the 50-pin miniature ribbon connector. For example, RJ11 uses a six-position two-conductor connector (6P2C), RJ14 uses a six-position four-conductor (6P4C) modular jack, while RJ21 uses a 25-pair (50-pin) miniature ribbon connector.



연결 방법은 Unshielded twisted pair 항목 참조.

통신 방식별 핀 사용 방식

  • 음성회선 수용시에는 => 1 Pair (4번,5번) 또는 (7번,8번) 만 사용
  • Ethernet 10/100 Mbps 에서는 => 2 Pair (4가닥)의 선만 사용
    • 송신 : 1,2번 쌍 (orange, pair 2)
    • 수신 : 3,6번 쌍 (green, pair 3)
  • Gigabit Ethernet 에서는 => 4 Pair (8가닥)의 선 모두 사용

See also

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