The WebRTC API's RTCIceCandidateType enumerated type provides a set of DOMString values representing the types of ICE candidate that can arrive. These strings are taken directly from the candidate a-line in SDP.
These candidate types are listed in order of priority; the higher in the list they are, the more efficient they are.
- host
- The candidate is a host candidate, whose IP address as specified in the RTCIceCandidate.ip property is in fact the true address of the remote peer.
- srflx
- The candidate is a server reflexive candidate; the ip indicates an intermediary address assigned by the STUN server to represent the candidate's peer anonymously.
- prflx
- The candidate is a peer reflexive candidate; the ip is an intermediary address assigned by the STUN server to represent the candidate's peer anonymously.
- relay
- The candidate is a relay candidate, obtained from a TURN server. The relay candidate's IP address is an address the TURN server uses to forward the media between the two peers.