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QReader는 Python에서 이미지 내의 어렵고 까다로운 QR 코드를 읽기 위한 강력하고 직관적인 솔루션입니다. YOLOv8 모델로 구동됩니다.

이 라이브러리는 두 가지 주요 구성 요소로 구성되어 있습니다.

  • QR 코드를 감지하고 분할하도록 훈련된 YOLOv8 QR 감지기 모델(독립형으로도 제공됨)
  • Pyzbar QR 디코더입니다.

이 QR 감지기에서 추출한 정보를 사용하여 QReader는 Pyzbar 위에 투명하게 다양한 이미지 전처리 기술을 적용하여 어려운 이미지의 디코딩 속도를 극대화합니다.


On Linux:

sudo apt-get install libzbar0

On Mac OS X:

brew install zbar

리소스가 매우 제한된 서버의 경우 CPU 버전의 PyTorch 를 설치하는걸 추천. pip install torch --no-cache-dir

API Reference

QReader(model_size = 's', min_confidence = 0.5, reencode_to = 'shift-jis', weights_folder = None)

This is the main class of the library. Please, try to instantiate it just once to avoid loading the model every time you need to detect a QR code.

  • model_size: str. The size of the model to use. It can be
    • 'n' (nano)
    • 's' (small)
    • 'm' (medium)
    • 'l' (large)
    • Larger models could be more accurate but slower.
    • Recommended: 's' (#37). Default: 's'.

ROI 그리기

from qreader import QReader
import cv2
from numpy import ndarray

qreader = QReader()
ori = cv2.imread("test2.jpg")
image = cv2.cvtColor(ori, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

# decoded_text = qreader.detect_and_decode(image=image, return_detections=True)
# print(decoded_text)

detections = qreader.detect(image=image, is_bgr=True)
decoded_qrs = []

for detection in detections:
    assert isinstance(detection, dict)
    assert isinstance(detection['confidence'], float)

    assert isinstance(detection['bbox_xyxy'], ndarray)
    assert isinstance(detection['bbox_xyxyn'], ndarray)

    assert isinstance(detection['cxcy'], tuple)
    assert len(detection['cxcy']) == 2

    assert isinstance(detection['cxcyn'], tuple)
    assert len(detection['cxcyn']) == 2

    assert isinstance(detection['wh'], tuple)
    assert len(detection['wh']) == 2

    assert isinstance(detection['whn'], tuple)
    assert len(detection['whn']) == 2

    assert isinstance(detection['polygon_xy'], ndarray)
    assert isinstance(detection['polygon_xyn'], ndarray)

    assert isinstance(detection['quad_xy'], ndarray)
    assert isinstance(detection['quad_xyn'], ndarray)

    assert isinstance(detection['padded_quad_xy'], ndarray)
    assert isinstance(detection['padded_quad_xyn'], ndarray)

    assert isinstance(detection['image_shape'], tuple)
    assert len(detection['image_shape']) == 2

    decoded_qr = qreader.decode(image=image, detection_result=detection)
    assert isinstance(decoded_qr, str)


    roi = detection['bbox_xyxy'].tolist()
    p1 = int(roi[0]), int(roi[1])
    p2 = int(roi[2]), int(roi[3])
    ori = cv2.rectangle(ori, p1, p2, (0, 0, 255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA)

cv2.imwrite("result2.jpg", ori)

See also

  • QRCode
  • BarCode
  • libzbar - QR Code scanner engine for QR+Emoji
  • zbar-py - zbar package
  • pyzbar - Read one-dimensional barcodes and QR codes from Python 2 and 3.
  • QReader - Robust and Straight-Forward solution for reading difficult and tricky QR codes within images in Python. Supported by a YOLOv8 QR Segmentation model.
  • cv2.QRCodeDetector - OpenCV 에 내장된 QR 코드 검출기.

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