A Python implementation of John Gruber’s Markdown with Extension support.
Officially Supported Extensions
The extensions listed below are included with (at least) the most recent release and are officially supported by Python-Markdown. Any documentation is maintained here and all bug reports should be made to the project. If you have a typical install of Python-Markdown, these extensions are already available to you using the “Entry Point” name listed in the second column below.
Extension | Entry Point | Dot Notation |
Extra | extra | markdown.extensions.extra |
Abbreviations | abbr | markdown.extensions.abbr |
Attribute Lists | attr_list | markdown.extensions.attr_list |
Definition Lists | def_list | markdown.extensions.def_list |
Fenced Code Blocks | fenced_code | markdown.extensions.fenced_code |
Footnotes | footnotes | markdown.extensions.footnotes |
md_in_html | markdown.extensions.md_in_html | |
Tables | tables | markdown.extensions.tables |
Admonition | admonition | markdown.extensions.admonition |
CodeHilite | codehilite | markdown.extensions.codehilite |
Legacy Attributes | legacy_attrs | markdown.extensions.legacy_attrs |
Legacy Emphasis | legacy_em | markdown.extensions.legacy_em |
Meta-Data | meta | markdown.extensions.meta |
New Line to Break | nl2br | markdown.extensions.nl2br |
Sane Lists | sane_lists | markdown.extensions.sane_lists |
SmartyPants | smarty | markdown.extensions.smarty |
Table of Contents | toc | markdown.extensions.toc |
WikiLinks | wikilinks | markdown.extensions.wikilinks |
Markdown in HTML
HTML TAG 를 사용하면 Markdown Syntax 가 모두 Disable 되고 Plain Text 로 출력된다. 모두 분석되도록 하기 위해서 이 확장을 1 로 만들면 된다.