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Vendor-neutral APIs and instrumentation for distributed tracing.

Why Tracing?

Developers and engineering organizations are trading in old, monolithic systems for modern microservice architectures, and they do so for numerous compelling reasons: system components scale independently, dev teams stay small and agile, deployments are continuous and decoupled, and so on.

That said, once a production system contends with real concurrency or splits into many services, crucial (and formerly easy) tasks become difficult: user-facing latency optimization, root-cause analysis of backend errors, communication about distinct pieces of a now-distributed system, etc.

Contemporary distributed tracing systems (e.g., Zipkin, Dapper, HTrace, X-Trace, among others) aim to address these issues, but they do so via application-level instrumentation using incompatible APIs. Developers are uneasy about tightly coupling their polyglot systems to any particular distributed tracing implementation, yet the application-level instrumentation APIs for these many distinct tracing systems have remarkably similar semantics.

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