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Get up and running with large language models.

Run Llama 3, Phi 3, Mistral, Gemma, and other models. Customize and create your own.

Llama 2 및 기타 대규모 언어 모델을 로컬에서 시작 및 실행


ollama Enter:

  ollama [flags]
  ollama [command]

Available Commands:
  serve       Start ollama
  create      Create a model from a Modelfile
  show        Show information for a model
  run         Run a model
  pull        Pull a model from a registry
  push        Push a model to a registry
  list        List models
  cp          Copy a model
  rm          Remove a model
  help        Help about any command

  -h, --help      help for ollama
  -v, --version   Show version information

Use "ollama [command] --help" for more information about a command.

PandasAI와 결합

한국어 사용

See also

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