OGC:City Geography Markup Language

This document is an OpenGIS® Encoding Standard for the representation, storage and exchange of virtual 3D city and landscape models. CityGML is implemented as an application schema of the Geography Markup Language version 3.1.1 (GML3). CityGML models both complex and georeferenced 3D vector data along with the semantics associated with the data. In contrast to other 3D vector formats, CityGML is based on a rich, general purpose information model in addition to geometry and appearance information. For specific domain areas, CityGML also provides an extension mechanism to enrich the data with identifiable features under preservation of semantic interoperability.

도시, 풍경과 같은 가상 3D모델의 데이터 교환을위한 OpenGIS 표준 인코딩에 대한 설명.
