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MusicXML Element measure


The part-group element indicates groupings of parts in the score, usually indicated by braces and brackets. Braces that are used for multi-staff parts should be defined in the attributes element for that part. The part-group start element appears before the first score-part in the group. The part-group stop element appears after the last score-part in the group. The number attribute is used to distinguish overlapping and nested part-groups, not the sequence of groups. As with parts, groups can have a name and abbreviation. Values for the child elements are ignored at the stop of a group. A part-group element is not needed for a single multi-staff part. By default, multi-staff parts include a brace symbol and (if appropriate given the bar-style) common barlines. The symbol formatting for a multi-staff part can be more fully specified using the part-symbol element.






  <part-group type="start" number="1">
  <score-part id="P1">
   <score-instrument id="P1-I1">
    <instrument-name>Piano (2)</instrument-name>
    <solo />
     <virtual-library>General MIDI</virtual-library>
     <virtual-name>Acoustic Piano</virtual-name>
  <part-group type="stop" number="1" />

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