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Logspout Adapter for Graylog's GELF


docker run \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    -p 8000:80 \
    micahhausler/logspout:gelf \

A note about GELF parameters

The following docker container attributes are mapped to the corresponding GELF extra attributes.

        "_container_id":   <container-id>,
        "_container_name": <container-name>,
        "_image_id":       <container-image-sha>,
        "_image_name":     <container-image-name>,
        "_command":        <container-cmd>,
        "_created":        <container-created-date>,
        "_swarm_node":     <host-if-running-on-swarm>

You can also add extra custom fields by adding labels to the containers.

for example a container with label gelf_service=servicename will have the extra field service

Source code

package gelf

import (


var hostname string

func init() {
    hostname, _ = os.Hostname()
    router.AdapterFactories.Register(NewGelfAdapter, "gelf")

// GelfAdapter is an adapter that streams UDP JSON to Graylog
type GelfAdapter struct {
    writer *gelf.Writer
    route  *router.Route

// NewGelfAdapter creates a GelfAdapter with UDP as the default transport.
func NewGelfAdapter(route *router.Route) (router.LogAdapter, error) {
    _, found := router.AdapterTransports.Lookup(route.AdapterTransport("udp"))
    if !found {
        return nil, errors.New("unable to find adapter: " + route.Adapter)

    gelfWriter, err := gelf.NewWriter(route.Address)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return &GelfAdapter{
        route:  route,
        writer: gelfWriter,
    }, nil

// Stream implements the router.LogAdapter interface.
func (a *GelfAdapter) Stream(logstream chan *router.Message) {
    for message := range logstream {
        m := &GelfMessage{message}
        level := gelf.LOG_INFO
        if m.Source == "stderr" {
            level = gelf.LOG_ERR
        extra, err := m.getExtraFields()
        if err != nil {
            log.Println("Graylog:", err)

        msg := gelf.Message{
            Version:  "1.1",
            Host:     hostname,
            Short:    m.Message.Data,
            TimeUnix: float64(m.Message.Time.UnixNano()/int64(time.Millisecond)) / 1000.0,
            Level:    level,
            RawExtra: extra,
        //  ContainerId:    m.Container.ID,
        //  ContainerImage: m.Container.Config.Image,
        //  ContainerName:  m.Container.Name,
        // }

        // here be message write.
        if err := a.writer.WriteMessage(&msg); err != nil {
            log.Println("Graylog:", err)

type GelfMessage struct {

func (m GelfMessage) getExtraFields() (json.RawMessage, error) {

    extra := map[string]interface{}{
        "_container_id":   m.Container.ID,
        "_container_name": m.Container.Name[1:], // might be better to use strings.TrimLeft() to remove the first /
        "_image_id":       m.Container.Image,
        "_image_name":     m.Container.Config.Image,
        "_command":        strings.Join(m.Container.Config.Cmd[:], " "),
        "_created":        m.Container.Created,
    for name, label := range m.Container.Config.Labels {
        if len(name) > 5 && strings.ToLower(name[0:5]) == "gelf_" {
            extra[name[4:]] = label
    swarmnode := m.Container.Node
    if swarmnode != nil {
        extra["_swarm_node"] = swarmnode.Name

    rawExtra, err := json.Marshal(extra)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return rawExtra, nil

See also

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