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Line Printer Daemon protocol

The Line Printer Daemon protocol/Line Printer Remote protocol (or LPD, LPR) is a network protocol for submitting print jobs to a remote printer. The original implementation of LPD was in the Berkeley printing system in the BSD UNIX operating system; the LPRng project also supports that protocol. The Common Unix Printing System (or CUPS), which is more common on modern Linux distributions, supports LPD as well as the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP). Commercial solutions are available that also leverage Berkeley printing protocol components, where more robust functionality and performance is necessary than is available from LPR/LPD (or CUPS) alone (such as might be required in large corporate environments). The LPD Protocol Specification is documented in RFC 1179.

Line Printer

LPR(Line Printer)은 LPR 515 LPR포로토콜 사양은 RFC 1179에서 규정되어 있다. TCP/IP 소프트웨어가 가진 기능 중 하나로, 네트워크에 연결돼 있는 프린터에 서버를 개입시키지 않고 클라이언트 단말기에 직접 액세스 할수 있다. UNIX 명령어인 LPR 에서 유래 됨.

참고로 윈도우에 사용중인 포트번호 중 다음으로 정의 되어 있다.

  • printer 515/tcp spooler
  • printer 515/udp spooler
  • UNIX Printing TCP 515


로컬 프린트 서비스를 사용 가능한 신뢰할 수 있는 호스트.

See also

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