libuv provides cross platform utilities for loading shared libraries and retrieving symbols from them, using the following API.
- (Data types) Shared library data type.
int uv_dlopen(const char* filename, uv_lib_t* lib)
- Opens a shared library. The filename is in utf-8. Returns 0 on success and -1 on error. Call uv_dlerror() to get the error message.
void uv_dlclose(uv_lib_t* lib)
- Close the shared library.
int uv_dlsym(uv_lib_t* lib, const char* name, void** ptr)
- Retrieves a data pointer from a dynamic library. It is legal for a symbol to map to NULL. Returns 0 on success and -1 if the symbol was not found.
const char* uv_dlerror(const uv_lib_t* lib)
- Returns the last uv_dlopen() or uv_dlsym() error message.