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Khronos Group

크로노스 그룹(Khronos Group)은 미국 오리건주 비버튼에 본사를 둔 비영리 산업체 컨소시엄이다. 로열티가 없는 개방형 표준 개발을 하고 있다. 다양한 플랫폼과 장치에서 동적인 미디어의 가속화된 재생 및 저작을 관련된 표준을 개발한다. 모든 크로노스 멤버들은 크로노스 API 규격의 개발에 기여할 수 있으며 공개적인 이용이 있기 앞서 다양한 단계에서 투표할 권한이 있고, 규격 초안과 적합성 테스트에 미리 접근할 수 있다.

2006년 7월 31일에 SIGGRAPH에서 OpenGL 표준의 관리를 크로노스 그룹에 이관한다고 발표하였다.

Working groups

Active standards

  • 3D Commerce, aligns the 3D asset workflow for online retail
  • ANARI, Analytic Rendering Interface for Data Visualization
  • COLLADA, a file-format intended to facilitate interchange of 3D assets
  • EGL, an interface between Khronos rendering APIs such as OpenGL ES or OpenVG and the underlying native platform window system[4]
  • glTF, a file format specification for 3D scenes and models[5]
  • [[NNEF reduces machine learning deployment fragmentation by enabling a rich mix of neural network training tools and inference engines to be used by applications across a diverse range of devices and platforms[6]
  • OpenCL, a cross-platform computation API.[7]
  • OpenGL, a cross-platform computer graphics API
  • OpenGL ES, a derivative of OpenGL for use on mobile and embedded systems, such as cell phones, portable gaming devices, and more
  • OpenGL SC, a safety critical profile of OpenGL ES designed to meet the needs of the safety-critical market
  • OpenVG, an API for accelerating processing of 2D vector graphics
  • OpenVX, Hardware acceleration API for Computer Vision applications and libraries
  • OpenXR, an open and royalty-free standard for virtual reality and augmented reality applications and devices
  • SPIR, an intermediate compiler target for OpenCL and Vulkan
  • SYCL, a single-source C++ DSEL for heterogeneous computing
  • Vulkan, a low-overhead computer graphics API
  • Vulkan SC, based on the existing Vulkan API specification to enable safety critical industries
  • WebGL, a JavaScript binding to OpenGL ES within a browser on any platform supporting the OpenGL or OpenGL ES graphics standards

Inactive standards

  • OpenML, an API for capturing, transporting, processing, displaying, and synchronizing digital media
  • OpenKODE, an API for providing abstracted, portable access to operating system resources such as file systems, networks and math libraries
  • OpenKCam, Advanced Camera Control API
  • OpenMAX, a layered set of three programming interfaces of various abstraction levels, providing access to multimedia functionality
  • OpenSL ES, an audio API tuned for embedded systems, standardizing access to features such as 3D positional audio and MIDI playback
  • OpenWF, APIs for 2D graphics composition and display control
  • StreamInput, an API for consistently handling input devices
  • WebCL, a JavaScript binding to OpenCL within a browser

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