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A Git extension for JupyterLab

To install perform the following steps:

pip install --upgrade jupyterlab-git
jupyter lab build

Before consulting the following list, be sure the server extension and the frontend extension have the same version by executing the following commands:

jupyter serverextension list
jupyter labextension list


A JupyterLab debugger UI extension

jupyter labextension install @jupyterlab/debugger

설치를 위해 nodejs와 npm이 설치되어 있어야 한다.

제거 방법:

jupyter labextension uninstall @jupyterlab/debugger

Generate default config file

python -m jupyterlab --generate-config

should generate a config file in /home/<USER>/.jupyter/

Disable Terminal

c.NotebookApp.terminals_enabled = False

See also

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