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Janus is an open source, general purpose, WebRTC server designed and developed by Meetecho. This version of the server is tailored for Linux systems, although it can be compiled for, and installed on, MacOS machines as well. Windows is not supported, but if that's a requirement, Janus is known to work in the "Windows Subsystem for Linux" on Windows 10.

For some online demos and documentations, make sure you pay the project website a visit!

To discuss Janus with us and other users, there's a Google Group called meetecho-janus that you can use. If you encounter bugs, though, please submit an issue on github instead.


To install it, you'll need to satisfy the following dependencies:

  • Jansson
  • libconfig
  • libnice (at least v0.1.16 suggested, v0.1.18 recommended)
  • OpenSSL (at least v1.0.1e)
  • libsrtp (at least v2.x suggested)
  • usrsctp (only needed if you are interested in Data Channels)
  • libmicrohttpd (at least v0.9.59; only needed if you are interested in REST support for the Janus API)
  • libwebsockets (only needed if you are interested in WebSockets support for the Janus API)
  • cmake (only needed if you are interested in WebSockets and/or BoringSSL support, as they make use of it)
  • rabbitmq-c (only needed if you are interested in RabbitMQ support for the Janus API or events)
  • paho.mqtt.c (only needed if you are interested in MQTT support for the Janus API or events)
  • nanomsg (only needed if you are interested in Nanomsg support for the Janus API)
  • libcurl (only needed if you are interested in the TURN REST API support)

A couple of plugins depend on a few more libraries:

  • Sofia-SIP (only needed for the SIP plugin)
  • libopus (only needed for the AudioBridge plugin)
  • libogg (needed for the VoiceMail plugin and/or post-processor, and optionally AudioBridge and Streaming plugins)
  • libcurl (only needed if you are interested in RTSP support in the Streaming plugin or in the sample Event Handler plugin)
  • Lua (only needed for the Lua plugin)
  • Duktape (only needed for the Duktape plugin)

Additionally, you'll need the following libraries and tools:

  • GLib
  • zlib
  • pkg-config

See also

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몽상가 :: (WebRTC) Janus-Gateway

