Image Pyramids
(Wikipedia 의 항목 이름은 "Pyramid (image processing)"이지만 자주 사용하는 용어는 OpenCV 항목 이름을 사용한다)
Pyramid, or pyramid representation, is a type of multi-scale signal representation developed by the computer vision, image processing and signal processing communities, in which a signal or an image is subject to repeated smoothing and subsampling. Pyramid representation is a predecessor to scale-space representation and multiresolution analysis.
- cv2.pyrUp
- cv2.pyrDown
- cv2.pyrMeanShiftFiltering
Gaussian Pyramid
Laplacian Pyramids
See also
Favorite site
- Pyramid (image processing) - Wikipedia
- OpenCV: Image Pyramids - v3.4
- OpenCV: Image Pyramids - v4.x
- Python - OpenCV (14) : Image Pyramid — 준세 단칸방
- A Beginners Guide to Computer Vision (Part 4)- Pyramid | by Bharath Chandra | Analytics Vidhya | Medium
- OpenCV - 20. 이미지 피라미드(Image Pyramid)
- (OpenCV) pyrMeanShiftFiltering 적용하여 영상분할