Game Engine
게임 엔진(Game engine)은 컴퓨터·비디오 게임 같은 실시간 그래픽 표시 기능을 갖춘 상호 작용 응용 프로그램을 구현하는 핵심 소프트웨어 구성 요소를 말한다. 컴퓨터 게임 개발에 바탕이 되는 기술을 제공하여 개발 과정을 단축시켜 줄 뿐 아니라, 게임을 다양한 플랫폼에서 실행할 수 있게 해주기도 한다. 특히 게임 엔진은 재사용을 염두에 두고 있기 때문에, 하나의 게임에 종속되지 않고 여러 종류의 게임에 쓰일 수 있도록 개발된다.
게임 엔진이 제공하는 주요 기능으로는 2차원 그래픽이나 3차원 그래픽을 출력하기 위한 렌더링 엔진('렌더러'), 물리 엔진, 충돌 검출과 충돌 반응, 사운드 출력, 스크립트 작성, 애니메이션, 인공 지능, 네트워크, 스트리밍, 메모리 관리, 쓰레딩, 씬 그래프 등이 있다.
- DOM Event Architecture - UI 이벤트 전파 구현시 사용 가능한 DOM 이벤트 전파에 대한 아키텍처 참조.
List of Game engines
- [추천] 93 Top Game Engines Compared (Ranked Mar 2024) - 언어/플랫폼/그래픽(2d,3d)/가격 별 카테고리 편하게 선택 가능.
- [추천] Game Engines Database - 게임 엔진 데이터베이스, 게임 엔진 목록이 정리되어 있다.
- Unreal
- AndEngine
- Cocos2d
- Cocos2dx - A multi-platform framework for building 2d games, interactive books, demos and other graphical applications. (MIT)
- Jirr
In this chapter of our ongoing Game Engines by Language series, today we are going to look at the game engines, both 2D and 3D, available for Python.
- Panda3D
- Blender Game Engine
- PyOgre
- Allegro
그 밖에, Python:RenderingEngines 항목 참조.
In this chapter of our ongoing Game Engines by Language series, today we are going to look at the game engines, both 2D and 3D, available for JavaScript.
- 2D Game Engines
- BabylonJS
- PlayCanvas
- CopperCube
- CopperLicht
- A-Frame
- ThreeJS
- WhiteStorm
- Blend4Web
- Verge3D
In the Haxe ecosystem, many frameworks are build on top of other frameworks, so we will be covering them in order, from lowest level to the highest.
- Lowest Level
- NME: Native Media Engine
- Lime
- Kha
- OpenFL
- HaxeFlixel
- HaxePunk
- Stencyl
- Away3D
- Heaps
- Armory3D
Today we are going to look at game engines using the Lua programming language. This doesn’t mean the game engine was created using the Lua language, instead we are covering engines that can be scripted using Lua.
- Spring RTS
- GameGuru
- Shiva
- Leadwerks
- Lumberyard
- Roblox Studio
- Urho3D: (*Needs to be enabled)
- Stingray: 3DS Interactive
- CryEngine (Deprecated)
- Cocos2D (Undocumented)
- PolyCode (Seemingly abandoned)
- Marmalade (Deprecated)
Due to it’s popularity in the professional game industry, I get all kinds of requests for C++ based game engines. That is exactly what this guide is, a collection of game engines that use C++. This is not about game engines that are written using C++, many if not most game engines are at least partially written using C++, instead it covers engines where you (can) primarily use C++ in developing an actual game using the engine. So without further ado, let’s jump into the list of (3D only) game engines that (can) use C++ to develop games.
- CryEngine
- Lumberyard
- Unreal Engine
- OGRE: (*Technically a renderer)
- G3D Innovation Engine
- Godot
- Torque3D
- Banshee Engine
- Source Engine
- Limon Engine
- idTech
- Leadwerks
- IrrLicht
- Urho3D
- Toy Engine
- Panda3D
- Esenthel
- Tombstone Engine (C4 successor)
- PhyreEngine
- Unigine
- Shiva
- LumixEngine
- Wicked Engine
Today we are going to look at C# game engines. We are using the same criteria as the last list, the engine must be 3D, actively under development and programmable using C# (regardless to the language used to write the actual engine). Over time I have covered several of these engines, in which case I will add a learn more link when applicable.
Game Support Engine List
그냥 단순히 라이브러리 목록.
Light 관련
Path & AI 관련
Sound & Video
- Bink Video, Miles Sound System
- irrKlang: Sound Engine
- Wwise: Sound Engine
- CRI: Sound Engine
- 반디캡처 : 동영상 캡쳐
- 반디 비디오 라이브러리
- 반디 오디오 라이브러리
Face Animation
- FaceFX: Face Animation For Audio
- ProFX: Texture Engine/Tool
- Digimask: Face 3D Create Engine/Tool
- Gameface: 3D UI Engine
Level Editor
- SpeedTree: Tree Contents Engine
- FxStudio: Effect Engine
- Umbra: Occlusion Culling Engine
- NaturalMotion: Animation Engine
- ProScena: 장면연출 Engine
- TeamSpirit: 보이스채팅 Engine
- PunkBuster: Online Anti-Cheat system Engine
- 웹브라우저를 Inside구현
- SilverLining: 리얼타임 3D Sky
- EnTT: Gaming meets modern C++. (MIT)
AI 기반
- Diffusion Models Are Real-Time Game Engines (GameNGen) - Game Engines 을 만드는 딥러닝 모델
- WorkAdventure - 오픈소스 메타버스 플랫폼 소프트웨어
- Gather Town
Entity System
Game Off 2022
- Into JavaScript? You might be interested in Phaser.
- Comfortable with C++ or C#? Look at Godot, Unity and Unreal Engine.
- Raving about Rust? You might like Bevy.
- Proficient with Python? Check out Pygame or Godot (Godot uses GDScript, which is similar to Python).
- Dangerous with Java? Take a look at libGDX.
- In love with Lua? Check out LÖVE or Defold. Like retro games too? Drop everything and check out LIKO-12!
- Fond of Flutter? Take a peek at Flame.
- Gearing up with Go? You might want to look at Ebitengine.
- Do you really like retro games? Maybe you can…
See also
- Game Programming
- Graphical user interface (GUI)
- Python:RenderingEngines
- User Interface
- Widget toolkit
- Metaverse
- Voxel
Favorite site
- Wikipedia (en) 게임엔진에 대한 설명
- Wikipedia (en) List of game engines
- [추천] Category:Engines - PCGamingWiki PCGW - bugs, fixes, crashes, mods, guides and improvements for every PC game
- gpwiki - 게임엔진 목록
- What are the best 2D Game Engines?
- What are the best 2D game engines for Android?
- 2D Gaming Libraries/ Frameworks/ Engines for Android
2D Android Game Engines- Legacy -
모바일 게임엔진 조사- Legacy -
안드로이드 개발자를 위한 10대 오픈소스 안드로이드(2D,3D)게임엔진- Legacy
- [추천] Open source, experimental, and tiny tools roundup ~ (게임/인터랙티브 웹사이트를 위한 작은 도구들 500+개 모음; 초소형 게임엔진 32개, 인디/오픈소스 게임엔진 11개, 판타지 콘솔 16개, 유니티 확장 16개, 지도 & 레벨 에디터 16개, 픽셀아트 / 아스키 편...)
- Github - paladin-t/fantasy: A curated list of available fantasy consoles/computers - 레트로 스타일 게임 엔진들 모음