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게임 엔진의 메인(렌더링) 루프에 대한 내용.


Modern C++ Game Loop

#include <chrono>

using namespace std::chrono_literals;

// we use a fixed timestep of 1 / (60 fps) = 16 milliseconds
constexpr std::chrono::nanoseconds timestep(16ms);

struct game_state {
  // this contains the state of your game, such as positions and velocities

bool handle_events() {
  // poll for events

  return false; // true if the user wants to quit the game

void update(game_state *) {
  // update game logic here

void render(game_state const &) {
  // render stuff here

game_state interpolate(game_state const & current, game_state const & previous, float alpha) {
  game_state interpolated_state;

  // interpolate between previous and current by alpha here

  return interpolated_state;

int main() {
  using clock = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock;

  std::chrono::nanoseconds lag(0ns);
  auto time_start = clock::now();
  bool quit_game = false;

  game_state current_state;
  game_state previous_state;

  while(!quit_game) {
    auto delta_time = clock::now() - time_start;
    time_start = clock::now();
    lag += std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(delta_time);

    quit_game = handle_events();

    // update game logic as lag permits
    while(lag >= timestep) {
      lag -= timestep;

      previous_state = current_state;
      update(&current_state); // update at a fixed rate each time

    // calculate how close or far we are from the next timestep
    auto alpha = (float) lag.count() / timestep.count();
    auto interpolated_state = interpolate(current_state, previous_state, alpha);


See also

Favorite site


  1. DeWiTTERS_Game_Loop_-_ko.pdf 

  2. Html5_game_loop.pdf 

  3. Against_the_Grain_-Game_Development-_The_Game_Loop.pdf 

  4. Entropy_Interactive_-_The_Game_Loop.pdf 

  5. Multi-threaded_game_engine_architecture.pdf