Python libraries
- kragniz/python-etcd3 - Client for v3
- jplana/python-etcd - Supports v2
- russellhaering/txetcd - a Twisted Python library
- cholcombe973/autodock - A docker deployment automation tool
- lisael/aioetcd - (Python 3.4+) Asyncio coroutines client (Supports v2)
- txaio-etcd - Asynchronous etcd v3-only client library for Twisted (today) and asyncio (future)
- dims/etcd3-gateway - etcd v3 API library using the HTTP grpc gateway
- aioetcd3 - (Python 3.6+) etcd v3 API for asyncio
- Revolution1/etcd3-py - (python2.7 and python3.5+) Python client for etcd v3, using gRPC-JSON-Gateway
See also
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