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coturn TURN server project.



sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y cmake wget libevent-dev libssl-dev libpq-dev libmariadb-dev libsqlite3-dev libhiredis-dev libmongoc-dev libmicrohttpd-dev

git clone
cd coturn
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j8

Simple Usage

$ turnserver -avn -u user:password -r
# “a” use long-term credentials, “v” verbose output, “n” do not load a configuration file.
# "u" Specify user and password credentials to be used.
# "r" Specify default realm, can be your domain.

Provide only STUN over UDP without TURN / relay:

$ turnserver --stun-only --no-tcp

아래와 같이 ICE를 설정하면 된다.

var config = {
    sdpSemantics: 'unified-plan'
config.iceServers = [{urls: ['', 'stun:']}];
pc = new RTCPeerConnection(config);
// ...

Trickle ICE 에서 테스트 해보자.

TURN Example

Start server:

$ turnserver -avn -u admin:0000

Client javascript:

var pc = new RTCPeerConnection(configuration);


/etc/turnserver.conf 파일에 적용하면 된다.


# turnserver의 포트입니다.
# tls 포트입니다.
# 외부IP를 넣어줍니다.(공유기 사용시 WAN상의 외부IP를 넣어줍니다.)
# 로그를 뽑을 수 있으니 주석을 해제하였습니다.
# 이것도 주석해제
# 인증방식 주석해제
# turnserver 도메인 네임입니다.
# 릴름은 원하는 네임명으로 해줍니다.

Client Test

Coturn 설치 후 설치가 잘 되었는지, turnutils_uclient 를 이용하여 다음과 같이 확인한다.

turnutils_uclient -T -u {계정} -w {비밀번호} {공인IP또는도메인}
0: : Total connect time is 1
0: : Total connect time is 1
0: : 2 connections are completed
0: : start_mclient: msz=2, tot_send_msgs=0, tot_recv_msgs=0, tot_send_bytes ~ 0, tot_recv_bytes ~ 0
1: : start_mclient: msz=2, tot_send_msgs=0, tot_recv_msgs=0, tot_send_bytes ~ 0, tot_recv_bytes ~ 0
2: : start_mclient: msz=2, tot_send_msgs=0, tot_recv_msgs=0, tot_send_bytes ~ 0, tot_recv_bytes ~ 0
3: : start_mclient: msz=2, tot_send_msgs=5, tot_recv_msgs=5, tot_send_bytes ~ 500, tot_recv_bytes ~ 500
4: : start_mclient: msz=2, tot_send_msgs=5, tot_recv_msgs=5, tot_send_bytes ~ 500, tot_recv_bytes ~ 500
4: : start_mclient: tot_send_msgs=10, tot_recv_msgs=10
4: : start_mclient: tot_send_bytes ~ 1000, tot_recv_bytes ~ 1000
4: : Total transmit time is 4
4: : Total lost packets 0 (0.000000%), total send dropped 0 (0.000000%)
4: : Average round trip delay 0.000000 ms; min = 0 ms, max = 0 ms
4: : Average jitter 0.400000 ms; min = 0 ms, max = 1 ms

STUN 테스트는 다음과 같다:

turnutils_stunclient -p 3478 

Add User

turnadmin -a -u 계정이름 -p 계정패스워드 -r 릴름명

Loopback 접속

--allow-loopback-peers 옵션을 추가해 보자.

Long Term Credentials Mechanism

The Long Term Credentials Mechanism is simple. A pair of username and password is shared between the Turn Server and the application/user. This credentials will not expire. Anyone who has these credentials can use the turn server. This mechanism is suitable for applications where the turn server credentials are not exposed to end users but used only by the servers.

Time-Limited Credentials Mechanism

In Time-Limited Credentials Mechanism (described here), a static key is shared between the turn server and the appliaction. This shared secred then will be used to generate dynamic usernames and passwords by the application which can be . These dynamic usernames and passwords then can be used by the applications and they will expire within a predefined time period. This mechanism is more suitable for the applications where the turn server credentials should be exposed to the end users. Jitsi, SimpleWebRTC, SpreedWebRTC supports Time-limited Credentials Mechanism.

ufw profile

ubuntu 에서 기본 패키지로 설치하면 자동으로 서비스가 등록된다.

systemctl status coturn

ufw 프로파일은 Turnserver로 등록된다:

sudo ufw app info Turnserver

결과는 다음과 같다:

Profile: Turnserver
Title: Coturn Turnserver
Description: Free open source implementation of TURN and STUN Server


Docker example

To run Coturn TURN server just start the container:

docker run -d -p 3478:3478 -p 49152-65535:49152-65535/udp coturn/coturn

Why so many ports opened?

As per RFC 5766 Section 6.2, these are the ports that the TURN server will use to exchange media.

You can change them with min-port and max-port Coturn configuration options:

docker run --rm -it -p 3478:3478 -p 49160-49200:49160-49200/udp coturn/coturn:4.5 -a -v -n --min-port=49160 --max-port=49200 --allow-loopback-peers -r <렐름명> -u <사용자명>:<비번> --external-ip='$(detect-external-ip)/<내부망IP>'

Or just use the host network directly (recommended, as Docker performs badly with large port ranges):

docker run -d --network=host coturn/coturn

다음과 같이 확인 가능:

turnutils_uclient -t -u <사용자명> -w <비번> <TURN서버IP>

서버 구축 시나리오

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# --lt-cred-mech \
# --no-auth \
# -u recc:recc1234 \
# --no-dynamic-ip-list \
# --no-tls \
# --no-dtls \

docker run \
    -d \
    -p 3478:3478/tcp \
    -p 3478:3478/udp \
    -p 3479:3479/tcp \
    -p 3479:3479/udp \
    -p 5349:5349/tcp \
    -p 5349:5349/udp \
    -p 5350:5350/tcp \
    -p 5350:5350/udp \
    -p 49160-49200:49160-49200/udp \
    coturn/coturn:latest \
    -n \
    --verbose \
    --fingerprint \
    --lt-cred-mech \
    --min-port=49160 \
    --max-port=49200 \
    -r recc \
    --allow-loopback-peers \
    --cli-password=recc1234 \

해당 Docker의 터미널에 접속하고 다음과 같이 사용자를 추가하자:

turnadmin -a -u recc -p recc1234 -r recc

그리고 사용자 목록 확인:

turnadmin -l

turnutils_uclient로 접속 확인한다:

$ ./turnutils_uclient -T -u recc -w recc1234
0: : Total connect time is 1
0: : Total connect time is 1
0: : 2 connections are completed
0: : start_mclient: msz=2, tot_send_msgs=0, tot_recv_msgs=0, tot_send_bytes ~ 0, tot_recv_bytes ~ 0
1: : start_mclient: msz=2, tot_send_msgs=0, tot_recv_msgs=0, tot_send_bytes ~ 0, tot_recv_bytes ~ 0
2: : start_mclient: msz=2, tot_send_msgs=0, tot_recv_msgs=0, tot_send_bytes ~ 0, tot_recv_bytes ~ 0
3: : start_mclient: msz=2, tot_send_msgs=5, tot_recv_msgs=5, tot_send_bytes ~ 500, tot_recv_bytes ~ 500
4: : start_mclient: msz=2, tot_send_msgs=5, tot_recv_msgs=5, tot_send_bytes ~ 500, tot_recv_bytes ~ 500
4: : start_mclient: tot_send_msgs=10, tot_recv_msgs=10
4: : start_mclient: tot_send_bytes ~ 1000, tot_recv_bytes ~ 1000
4: : Total transmit time is 4
4: : Total lost packets 0 (0.000000%), total send dropped 0 (0.000000%)
4: : Average round trip delay 0.000000 ms; min = 0 ms, max = 0 ms
4: : Average jitter 0.400000 ms; min = 0 ms, max = 1 ms


참고로 정상적인 화면은 이 곳을 참조

공유기 포트포워딩 설정 적용한다:

3478, 3479, 5349, 5350, 49160-49200/udp

Trickle ICE로 접속하여 relay 선택 후 확인해보자. 반드시 외부 망에서 확인


격리된 NVIDIA Jetson-AGX 에서 구축한 경우

docker run -d \
    -p 3478:3478 \
    -p 3478:3478/udp \
    -p 3479:3479 \
    -p 3479:3479/udp \
    -p 49152-49500:49152-49500/udp \
    coturn/coturn --min-port=49152 --max-port=49500

Turnserver Help Message

Usage: turnserver [options]
 -d, --listening-device <device-name>           Listener interface device (NOT RECOMMENDED. Optional, Linux only).
 -p, --listening-port           <port>          TURN listener port (Default: 3478).
                                                Note: actually, TLS & DTLS sessions can connect to the "plain" TCP & UDP port(s), too,
                                                if allowed by configuration.
 --tls-listening-port           <port>          TURN listener port for TLS & DTLS listeners
                                                (Default: 5349).
                                                Note: actually, "plain" TCP & UDP sessions can connect to the TLS & DTLS port(s), too,
                                                if allowed by configuration. The TURN server
                                                "automatically" recognizes the type of traffic. Actually, two listening
                                                endpoints (the "plain" one and the "tls" one) are equivalent in terms of
                                                functionality; but we keep both endpoints to satisfy the RFC 5766 specs.
                                                For secure TCP connections, we currently support SSL version 3 and
                                                TLS versions 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2. For secure UDP connections, we support
                                                DTLS version 1.
 --alt-listening-port<port>     <port>          Alternative listening port for STUN CHANGE_REQUEST (in RFC 5780 sense,
                                                or in old RFC 3489 sense, default is "listening port plus one").
 --alt-tls-listening-port       <port>          Alternative listening port for TLS and DTLS,
                                                the default is "TLS/DTLS port plus one".
 --tcp-proxy-port               <port>          Support connections from TCP loadbalancer on this port. The loadbalancer should
                                                use the binary proxy protocol (
 -L, --listening-ip             <ip>            Listener IP address of relay server. Multiple listeners can be specified.
 --aux-server                   <ip:port>       Auxiliary STUN/TURN server listening endpoint.
                                                Auxiliary servers do not have alternative ports and
                                                they do not support RFC 5780 functionality (CHANGE REQUEST).
                                                Valid formats are for IPv4 and [1:2::3:4]:5555 for IPv6.
 --udp-self-balance                             (recommended for older Linuxes only) Automatically balance UDP traffic
                                                over auxiliary servers (if configured).
                                                The load balancing is using the ALTERNATE-SERVER mechanism.
                                                The TURN client must support 300 ALTERNATE-SERVER response for this functionality.
 -i, --relay-device             <device-name>   Relay interface device for relay sockets (NOT RECOMMENDED. Optional, Linux only).
 -E, --relay-ip         <ip>                    Relay address (the local IP address that will be used to relay the
                                                packets to the peer).
                                                Multiple relay addresses may be used.
                                                The same IP(s) can be used as both listening IP(s) and relay IP(s).
                                                If no relay IP(s) specified, then the turnserver will apply the default
                                                policy: it will decide itself which relay addresses to be used, and it
                                                will always be using the client socket IP address as the relay IP address
                                                of the TURN session (if the requested relay address family is the same
                                                as the family of the client socket).
 -X, --external-ip  <public-ip[/private-ip]>    TURN Server public/private address mapping, if the server is behind NAT.
                                                In that situation, if a -X is used in form "-X ip" then that ip will be reported
                                                as relay IP address of all allocations. This scenario works only in a simple case
                                                when one single relay address is be used, and no STUN CHANGE_REQUEST
                                                functionality is required.
                                                That single relay address must be mapped by NAT to the 'external' IP.
                                                For that 'external' IP, NAT must forward ports directly (relayed port 12345
                                                must be always mapped to the same 'external' port 12345).
                                                In more complex case when more than one IP address is involved,
                                                that option must be used several times in the command line, each entry must
                                                have form "-X public-ip/private-ip", to map all involved addresses.
 --allow-loopback-peers                         Allow peers on the loopback addresses (127.x.x.x and ::1).
 --no-multicast-peers                           Disallow peers on well-known broadcast addresses ( and above, and FFXX:*).
 -m, --relay-threads            <number>        Number of relay threads to handle the established connections
                                                (in addition to authentication thread and the listener thread).
                                                If explicitly set to 0 then application runs in single-threaded mode.
                                                If not set then a default OS-dependent optimal algorithm will be employed.
                                                The default thread number is the number of CPUs.
                                                In older systems (pre-Linux 3.9) the number of UDP relay threads always equals
                                                the number of listening endpoints (unless -m 0 is set).
 --min-port                     <port>          Lower bound of the UDP port range for relay endpoints allocation.
                                                Default value is 49152, according to RFC 5766.
 --max-port                     <port>          Upper bound of the UDP port range for relay endpoints allocation.
                                                Default value is 65535, according to RFC 5766.
 -v, --verbose                                  'Moderate' verbose mode.
 -V, --Verbose                                  Extra verbose mode, very annoying (for debug purposes only).
 -o, --daemon                                   Start process as daemon (detach from current shell).
 --no-software-attribute                        Production mode: hide the software version (formerly --prod).
 -f, --fingerprint                              Use fingerprints in the TURN messages.
 -a, --lt-cred-mech                             Use the long-term credential mechanism.
 -z, --no-auth                                  Do not use any credential mechanism, allow anonymous access.
 -u, --user                     <user:pwd>      User account, in form 'username:password', for long-term credentials.
                                                Cannot be used with TURN REST API.
 -r, --realm                    <realm>         The default realm to be used for the users when no explicit
                                                origin/realm relationship was found in the database.
                                                Must be used with long-term credentials
                                                mechanism or with TURN REST API.
 --check-origin-consistency                     The flag that sets the origin consistency check:
                                                across the session, all requests must have the same
                                                main ORIGIN attribute value (if the ORIGIN was
                                                initially used by the session).
 -q, --user-quota               <number>        Per-user allocation quota: how many concurrent allocations a user can create.
                                                This option can also be set through the database, for a particular realm.
 -Q, --total-quota              <number>        Total allocations quota: global limit on concurrent allocations.
                                                This option can also be set through the database, for a particular realm.
 -s, --max-bps                  <number>        Default max bytes-per-second bandwidth a TURN session is allowed to handle
                                                (input and output network streams are treated separately). Anything above
                                                that limit will be dropped or temporary suppressed
                                                (within the available buffer limits).
                                                This option can also be set through the database, for a particular realm.
 -B, --bps-capacity             <number>        Maximum server capacity.
                                                Total bytes-per-second bandwidth the TURN server is allowed to allocate
                                                for the sessions, combined (input and output network streams are treated separately).
 -c                             <filename>      Configuration file name (default - turnserver.conf).
 -b, , --db, --userdb   <filename>              SQLite database file name; default - /var/db/turndb or
                                                    /usr/local/var/db/turndb or /var/lib/turn/turndb.
 -e, --psql-userdb, --sql-userdb <conn-string>  PostgreSQL database connection string, if used (default - empty, no PostreSQL DB used).
                                                This database can be used for long-term credentials mechanism users,
                                                and it can store the secret value(s) for secret-based timed authentication in TURN REST API.
                                                See for 8.x PostgreSQL
                                                versions format, see
                                                for 9.x and newer connection string formats.
 -M, --mysql-userdb     <connection-string>     MySQL database connection string, if used (default - empty, no MySQL DB used).
                                                This database can be used for long-term credentials mechanism users,
                                                and it can store the secret value(s) for secret-based timed authentication in TURN REST API.
                                                The connection string my be space-separated list of parameters:
                                                "host=<ip-addr> dbname=<database-name> user=<database-user> \
                                                        password=<database-user-password> port=<db-port> connect_timeout=<seconds> read_timeout=<seconds>".

                                                The connection string parameters for the secure communications (SSL):
                                                ca, capath, cert, key, cipher
                                                (see for the
                                                command options description).

                                                All connection-string parameters are optional.

 --secret-key-file      <filename>              This is the file path which contain secret key of aes encryption while using MySQL password encryption.
                                                If you want to use in the MySQL connection string the password in encrypted format,
                                                then set in this option the file path of the secret key. The key which is used to encrypt MySQL password.
                                                Warning: If this option is set, then MySQL password must be set in "mysql-userdb" option in encrypted format!
                                                If you want to use cleartext password then do not set this option!
 -J, --mongo-userdb     <connection-string>     MongoDB connection string, if used (default - empty, no MongoDB used).
                                                This database can be used for long-term credentials mechanism users,
                                                and it can store the secret value(s) for secret-based timed authentication in TURN REST API.
 -N, --redis-userdb     <connection-string>     Redis user database connection string, if used (default - empty, no Redis DB used).
                                                This database can be used for long-term credentials mechanism users,
                                                and it can store the secret value(s) for secret-based timed authentication in TURN REST API.
                                                The connection string my be space-separated list of parameters:
                                                "host=<ip-addr> dbname=<db-number> \
                                                                password=<database-user-password> port=<db-port> connect_timeout=<seconds>".

                                                All connection-string parameters are optional.

 -O, --redis-statsdb    <connection-string>     Redis status and statistics database connection string, if used
                                                (default - empty, no Redis stats DB used).
                                                This database keeps allocations status information, and it can be also used for publishing
                                                and delivering traffic and allocation event notifications.
                                                The connection string has the same parameters as redis-userdb connection string.
 --prometheus                                   Enable prometheus metrics. It is disabled by default. If it is enabled it will listen on port 9641 unther the path /metrics
                                                also the path / on this port can be used as a health check
 --use-auth-secret                              TURN REST API flag.
                                                Flag that sets a special authorization option that is based upon authentication secret
                                                (TURN Server REST API, see TURNServerRESTAPI.pdf). This option is used with timestamp.
 --static-auth-secret           <secret>        'Static' authentication secret value (a string) for TURN REST API only.
                                                If not set, then the turn server will try to use the 'dynamic' value
                                                in turn_secret table in user database (if present).
                                                That database value can be changed on-the-fly
                                                by a separate program, so this is why it is 'dynamic'.
                                                Multiple shared secrets can be used (both in the database and in the "static" fashion).
 --no-auth-pings                                Disable periodic health checks to 'dynamic' auth secret tables.
 --no-dynamic-ip-list                           Do not use dynamic allowed/denied peer ip list.
 --no-dynamic-realms                            Do not use dynamic realm assignment and options.
 --server-name                                  Server name used for
                                                the oAuth authentication purposes.
                                                The default value is the realm name.
 --oauth                                        Support oAuth authentication.
 -n                                             Do not use configuration file, take all parameters from the command line only.
 --cert                 <filename>              Certificate file, PEM format. Same file search rules
                                                applied as for the configuration file.
                                                If both --no-tls and --no_dtls options
                                                are specified, then this parameter is not needed.
 --pkey                 <filename>              Private key file, PEM format. Same file search rules
                                                applied as for the configuration file.
                                                If both --no-tls and --no-dtls options
 --pkey-pwd             <password>              If the private key file is encrypted, then this password to be used.
 --cipher-list  <"cipher-string">               Allowed OpenSSL cipher list for TLS/DTLS connections.
                                                Default value is "DEFAULT".
 --CA-file              <filename>              CA file in OpenSSL format.
                                                Forces TURN server to verify the client SSL certificates.
                                                By default, no CA is set and no client certificate check is performed.
 --ec-curve-name        <curve-name>            Curve name for EC ciphers, if supported by OpenSSL
                                                library (TLS and DTLS). The default value is prime256v1,
                                                if pre-OpenSSL 1.0.2 is used. With OpenSSL 1.0.2+,
                                                an optimal curve will be automatically calculated, if not defined
                                                by this option.
 --dh566                                        Use 566 bits predefined DH TLS key. Default size of the predefined key is 2066.
 --dh1066                                       Use 1066 bits predefined DH TLS key. Default size of the predefined key is 2066.
 --dh-file      <dh-file-name>                  Use custom DH TLS key, stored in PEM format in the file.
                                                Flags --dh566 and --dh1066 are ignored when the DH key is taken from a file.
 --no-tlsv1                                     Do not allow TLSv1/DTLSv1 protocol.
 --no-tlsv1_1                                   Do not allow TLSv1.1 protocol.
 --no-tlsv1_2                                   Do not allow TLSv1.2/DTLSv1.2 protocol.
 --no-udp                                       Do not start UDP client listeners.
 --no-tcp                                       Do not start TCP client listeners.
 --no-tls                                       Do not start TLS client listeners.
 --no-dtls                                      Do not start DTLS client listeners.
 --no-udp-relay                                 Do not allow UDP relay endpoints, use only TCP relay option.
 --no-tcp-relay                                 Do not allow TCP relay endpoints, use only UDP relay options.
 -l, --log-file         <filename>              Option to set the full path name of the log file.
                                                By default, the turnserver tries to open a log file in
                                                /var/log/turnserver/, /var/log, /var/tmp, /tmp and . (current) directories
                                                (which open operation succeeds first that file will be used).
                                                With this option you can set the definite log file name.
                                                The special names are "stdout" and "-" - they will force everything
                                                to the stdout; and "syslog" name will force all output to the syslog.
 --no-stdout-log                                Flag to prevent stdout log messages.
                                                By default, all log messages are going to both stdout and to
                                                a log file. With this option everything will be going to the log file only
                                                (unless the log file itself is stdout).
 --syslog                                       Output all log information into the system log (syslog), do not use the file output.
 --simple-log                                   This flag means that no log file rollover will be used, and the log file
                                                name will be constructed as-is, without PID and date appendage.
                                                This option can be used, for example, together with the logrotate tool.
 --new-log-timestamp                            Enable full ISO-8601 timestamp in all logs.
 --new-log-timestamp-format     <format>        Set timestamp format (in strftime(1) format)
 --log-binding                                  Log STUN binding request. It is now disabled by default to avoid DoS attacks.
 --stale-nonce[=<value>]                        Use extra security with nonce value having limited lifetime (default 600 secs).
 --max-allocate-lifetime        <value>         Set the maximum value for the allocation lifetime. Default to 3600 secs.
 --channel-lifetime             <value>         Set the lifetime for channel binding, default to 600 secs.
                                                This value MUST not be changed for production purposes.
 --permission-lifetime          <value>         Set the value for the lifetime of the permission. Default to 300 secs.
                                                This MUST not be changed for production purposes.
 -S, --stun-only                                Option to set standalone STUN operation only, all TURN requests will be ignored.
     --no-stun                                  Option to suppress STUN functionality, only TURN requests will be processed.
 --alternate-server             <ip:port>       Set the TURN server to redirect the allocate requests (UDP and TCP services).
                                                Multiple alternate-server options can be set for load balancing purposes.
                                                See the docs for more information.
 --tls-alternate-server <ip:port>               Set the TURN server to redirect the allocate requests (DTLS and TLS services).
                                                Multiple alternate-server options can be set for load balancing purposes.
                                                See the docs for more information.
 -C, --rest-api-separator       <SYMBOL>        This is the timestamp/username separator symbol (character) in TURN REST API.
                                                The default value is ':'.
 --max-allocate-timeout=<seconds>               Max time, in seconds, allowed for full allocation establishment. Default is 60.
 --allowed-peer-ip=<ip[-ip]>                    Specifies an ip or range of ips that are explicitly allowed to connect to the
                                                turn server. Multiple allowed-peer-ip can be set.
 --denied-peer-ip=<ip[-ip]>                     Specifies an ip or range of ips that are not allowed to connect to the turn server.
                                                Multiple denied-peer-ip can be set.
 --pidfile <"pid-file-name">                    File name to store the pid of the process.
                                                Default is /var/run/ (if superuser account is used) or
                                                /var/tmp/ .
 --acme-redirect <URL>                          Redirect ACME, i.e. HTTP GET requests matching '^/.well-known/acme-challenge/(.*)' to '<URL>$1'.
                                                Default is '', i.e. no special handling for such requests.
 --secure-stun                                  Require authentication of the STUN Binding request.
                                                By default, the clients are allowed anonymous access to the STUN Binding functionality.
 --proc-user <user-name>                        User name to run the turnserver process.
                                                After the initialization, the turnserver process
                                                will make an attempt to change the current user ID to that user.
 --proc-group <group-name>                      Group name to run the turnserver process.
                                                After the initialization, the turnserver process
                                                will make an attempt to change the current group ID to that group.
 --mobility                                     Mobility with ICE (MICE) specs support.
 -K, --keep-address-family                      TURN server allocates address family according TURN
                                                Client <=> Server communication address family.
                                                !! It breaks RFC6156 section-4.2 (violates default IPv4) !!
 --no-cli                                       Turn OFF the CLI support. By default it is always ON.
 --cli-ip=<IP>                                  Local system IP address to be used for CLI server endpoint. Default value
 --cli-port=<port>                              CLI server port. Default is 5766.
 --cli-password=<password>                      CLI access password. Default is empty (no password).
                                                For the security reasons, it is recommended to use the encrypted
                                                for of the password (see the -P command in the turnadmin utility).
                                                The dollar signs in the encrypted form must be escaped.
 --web-admin                                    Enable Turn Web-admin support. By default it is disabled.
 --web-admin-ip=<IP>                            Local system IP address to be used for Web-admin server endpoint. Default value
 --web-admin-port=<port>                        Web-admin server port. Default is 8080.
 --web-admin-listen-on-workers                  Enable for web-admin server to listens on STUN/TURN workers STUN/TURN ports.
                                                By default it is disabled for security resons!
                                                (This behavior used to be the default behavior, and was enabled by default.)
 --server-relay                                 Server relay. NON-STANDARD AND DANGEROUS OPTION. Only for those applications
                                                when we want to run server applications on the relay endpoints.
                                                This option eliminates the IP permissions check on the packets
                                                incoming to the relay endpoints.
 --cli-max-output-sessions                      Maximum number of output sessions in ps CLI command.
                                                This value can be changed on-the-fly in CLI. The default value is 256.
 --ne=[1|2|3]                                   Set network engine type for the process (for internal purposes).
 -h                                             Help


stun:localhost is not connect

Session Traversal Utilities for NAT#stun:localhost is not connect 항목 참조.

401 (Unauthorized)

403 (Forbidden IP)

$ ./turnutils_uclient -t -u recc -w recc1234 localhost
Connect: Connection refused
connect: Connection refused
0: : socket_connect: cannot connect to remote addr: 111
0: : socket_connect: cannot connect to remote addr: 111

최신버전 coturn 기준으로 다시 빌드하고:

$ ./turnutils_uclient -T -u recc -w recc1234
0: : Total connect time is 1
0: : Total connect time is 1
0: : 2 connections are completed
0: : start_mclient: msz=2, tot_send_msgs=0, tot_recv_msgs=0, tot_send_bytes ~ 0, tot_recv_bytes ~ 0
1: : start_mclient: msz=2, tot_send_msgs=0, tot_recv_msgs=0, tot_send_bytes ~ 0, tot_recv_bytes ~ 0
2: : start_mclient: msz=2, tot_send_msgs=0, tot_recv_msgs=0, tot_send_bytes ~ 0, tot_recv_bytes ~ 0
3: : start_mclient: msz=2, tot_send_msgs=5, tot_recv_msgs=5, tot_send_bytes ~ 500, tot_recv_bytes ~ 500
4: : start_mclient: msz=2, tot_send_msgs=5, tot_recv_msgs=5, tot_send_bytes ~ 500, tot_recv_bytes ~ 500
4: : start_mclient: tot_send_msgs=10, tot_recv_msgs=10
4: : start_mclient: tot_send_bytes ~ 1000, tot_recv_bytes ~ 1000
4: : Total transmit time is 4
4: : Total lost packets 0 (0.000000%), total send dropped 0 (0.000000%)
4: : Average round trip delay 0.000000 ms; min = 0 ms, max = 0 ms
4: : Average jitter 0.400000 ms; min = 0 ms, max = 1 ms

See also

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