Computer animation
Animation으로도 들어올 수 있다.
- Skeletal animation
- Path animation
- Hand writing animation
- Gooey 이펙트
- Carousel
- Morphing (모핑)
- Sliding Animation
- The Stomp Animation
- The Curtain Animation
- Animated Text Outline Effect
- Animated Text Fill Effect
- Neon Light Animation
- In and Out of Focus Effect
- Carousel (캐러셀)
- Glassmorphism Effect - 글래스모피즘 이팩트 (유리창 글레어)
- HTML:button#Hover Glow Effect - Vercel 의 NextJS 샘플로 나온 버튼 느낌.
- SpookyGhost - A procedural sprite animation tool made with the nCine
Skeletal Animation Tools
애니메이션의 12 가지 기본 원리
- [추천] The illusion of life
- Video: Vimeo - The illusion of life
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Squash & Stretch | Anticipation |
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Staging | Straight Ahead & Pose To Pose |
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Follow Through & Overlapping | Slow In & Slow Out |
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Arcs | Secondary Action |
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Timing | Exaggeration |
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Solid Drawings | Appeal |