Use FZF instead of coc.nvim built-in fuzzy finder.
기능은 좋은데 편집 속도가 '매우' 느려진다. |
Plug 'junegunn/fzf', {'dir': '~/.fzf','do': './install --all'}
Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim' " needed for previews
Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release'}
Plug 'antoinemadec/coc-fzf', {'branch': 'release'}
- List all list sources -
:CocFzfList --original-only
- List only original sources -
:CocFzfList {source}
- Run a list source -
- Retrieve last list source
Original Sources
These are the list sources implemented with FZF:
Source | List | Preview | Multi-select | Vim support |
actions | Like :CocList actions | - | - | o |
commands | Like :CocList commands | - | - | o |
diagnostics | Like :CocList diagnostics | o | o | o |
diagnostics --current-buf | Like :CocList diagnostics in the current buffer only | o | o | o |
issues | Like :CocList issues. Requires coc-git | o | - | o |
location | Like :CocList location. Requires fzf.vim | o | o | o |
outline | Like :CocList outline, with colors. Requires ctags | o | o | o |
output | Like :CocList output | - | o | o |
services | Like :CocList services | - | - | o |
snippets | Like :CocList snippets. Requires coc-snippets | o | o | o |
sources | Like :CocList sources | - | - | o |
symbols ({query}) | Like :CocList symbols | o | o | x |
symbols --kind {kind} ({query}) | Like :CocList symbols -kind {kind} | o | o | x |
yank | Like :CocList yank. Requires coc-yank | o | o | o |