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TypeScript를 더 빠르게 코딩하기

Civet is a programming language that compiles to TypeScript or JavaScript, so you can use existing tooling but enable concise and powerful syntax. In addition to 99% JS/TS compatibility, there are many features, with some highlights below and more comprehensive examples on the cheatsheet. See also Civet's design philosophy.


  • "TypeScript를 위한 CoffeScript"
  • Civet은 TypeScript/JavaScript 로 컴파일되는 언어. 기존 툴들(번들)들을 그대로 사용가능
  • 99% JS/TS 호환성
  • TypeScript보다 훨씬 간결하고 읽기 쉬운 문법을 제공
  • VSCode 확장 제공

See also

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