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CUDA의 Context Wrapper 클래스 구현 예제.

 * @file   CudaContext.hpp
 * @brief  CudaContext class prototype.
 * @author username
 * @date   2018-01-16


// MS compatible compilers support #pragma once
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
#pragma once

#include <libtbag/config.h>
#include <libtbag/predef.hpp>
#include <libtbag/gpu/details/GpuDetails.hpp>

// -------------------
// -------------------

namespace gpu  {
namespace cuda {

/** is the maximum amount of shared memory available to a thread block in bytes; @n
 * this amount is shared by all thread blocks simultaneously resident on a multiprocessor; */
/** is the maximum number of 32-bit registers available to a thread block; @n
 * this number is shared by all thread blocks simultaneously resident on a multiprocessor; */
/** is the warp size in threads; */
TBAG_CONSTEXPR char const * const TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_WARP_SIZE = "warpSize";
/** is the maximum pitch in bytes allowed by the memory copy functions @n
 * that involve memory regions allocated through cudaMallocPitch(); */
TBAG_CONSTEXPR char const * const TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_MEM_PITCH = "memPitch";
/** is the maximum number of threads per block; */
/** contains the maximum size of each dimension of a block; */
TBAG_CONSTEXPR char const * const TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_MAX_THREADS_DIM_0 = "maxThreadsDim0";
TBAG_CONSTEXPR char const * const TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_MAX_THREADS_DIM_1 = "maxThreadsDim1";
TBAG_CONSTEXPR char const * const TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_MAX_THREADS_DIM_2 = "maxThreadsDim2";
/** contains the maximum size of each dimension of a grid; */
TBAG_CONSTEXPR char const * const TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_MAX_GRID_SIZE_0 = "maxGridSize0";
TBAG_CONSTEXPR char const * const TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_MAX_GRID_SIZE_1 = "maxGridSize1";
TBAG_CONSTEXPR char const * const TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_MAX_GRID_SIZE_2 = "maxGridSize2";
/** is the clock frequency in kilohertz; */
TBAG_CONSTEXPR char const * const TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_CLOCK_RATE = "clockRate";
/** is the total amount of constant memory available on the device in bytes; */
/** is the alignment requirement; texture base addresses that are aligned @n
 * to textureAlignment bytes do not need an offset applied to texture fetches; */
TBAG_CONSTEXPR char const * const TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_TEXTURE_ALIGNMENT = "textureAlignment";
/** is 1 if the device can concurrently copy memory between host and device while executing a kernel, or 0 if not; */
TBAG_CONSTEXPR char const * const TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_DEVICE_OVERLAP = "deviceOverlap";
/** is the number of multiprocessors on the device; */
/** is 1 if there is a run time limit for kernels executed on the device, or 0 if not. */
/** is 1 if the device is an integrated (motherboard) GPU and 0 if it is a discrete (card) component. */
TBAG_CONSTEXPR char const * const TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_INTEGRATED = "integrated";
/** is 1 if the device can map host memory into the CUDA address space @n
 * for use with cudaHostAlloc()/cudaHostGetDevicePointer(), or 0 if not; */

/** is the compute mode that the device is currently in. */
TBAG_CONSTEXPR char const * const TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_COMPUTE_MODE = "computeMode";
/** Default mode - Device is not restricted and multiple threads can use cudaSetDevice() with this device. */
TBAG_CONSTEXPR char const * const TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_COMPUTE_MODE_DEFAULT = "cudaComputeModeDefault";
/** Compute-exclusive mode - Only one thread will be able to use cudaSetDevice() with this device. */
TBAG_CONSTEXPR char const * const TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_COMPUTE_MODE_EXCLUSIVE = "cudaComputeModeExclusive";
/** Compute-prohibited mode - No threads can use cudaSetDevice() with this device. @n
 * Any errors from calling cudaSetDevice() with an exclusive (and occupied) or prohibited device @n
 * will only show up after a non-device management runtime function is called. @n
 * At that time, cudaErrorNoDevice will be returned. */
TBAG_CONSTEXPR char const * const TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_COMPUTE_MODE_PROHIBITED = "cudaComputeModeProhibited";

/** is 1 if the device supports executing multiple kernels within the same context simultaneously, or 0 if not. @n
 * It is not guaranteed that multiple kernels will be resident on the device concurrently @n
 * so this feature should not be relied upon for correctness; */
TBAG_CONSTEXPR char const * const TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_CONCURRENT_KERNELS = "concurrentKernels";
/** is 1 if the device has ECC support turned on, or 0 if not. */
/** is the PCI bus identifier of the device. */
/** is the PCI device (sometimes called slot) identifier of the device. */
/** is 1 if the device is using a TCC driver or 0 if not. */
TBAG_CONSTEXPR char const * const TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_TCC_DRIVER = "tccDriver";

TBAG_API bool isSupport() TBAG_NOEXCEPT;

TBAG_API int             getPlatformCount();
TBAG_API GpuPlatforms    getPlatformList ();
TBAG_API GpuPlatformInfo getPlatformInfo (GpuPlatform const & platform);

TBAG_API int             getDeviceCount(GpuPlatform const & platform);
TBAG_API GpuDevices      getDeviceList (GpuPlatform const & platform);
TBAG_API GpuDeviceInfo   getDeviceInfo (GpuDevice   const & device);

TBAG_API SharedGpuContext createContext(GpuDevice const & device);

 * CudaContext class prototype.
 * @author username
 * @date   2018-01-13
class TBAG_API CudaContext : public GpuContext
    CudaContext(GpuDevice const & d, GpuId c);
    virtual ~CudaContext();

     * Maximum Thread Blocks Per Multiprocessor.
    struct OccupancyInfo
        std::size_t max_group;     ///< Limited by Max Warps or Max Blocks per Multiprocessor.
        std::size_t registers;     ///< Limited by Registers per Multiprocessor.
        std::size_t shared_memory; ///< Limited by Shared Memory per Multiprocessor.

    Err calcOccupancy(int thread_per_block,
                      int registers_per_thread,
                      int shared_memory_per_block,
                      OccupancyInfo & result);

     * Theoretical bandwidth can be calculated using hardware specifications available in the product literature.
     * @return
     *  Theoretical bandwidth (GByte/s).
     * @remarks
     *  - Note: Some calculations use 10243 instead of 109 for the final calculation. @n
     *          In such a case, the bandwidth would be 165.4GB/s. It is important to  @n
     *          use the same divisor when calculating theoretical and effective       @n
     *          bandwidth so that the comparison is valid. @n
     *  - Note: When ECC is enabled, the effective maximum bandwidth is reduced by    @n
     *          approximately 20% due to the additional traffic for the memory        @n
     *          checksums, though the exact impact of ECC on bandwidth depends on the @n
     *          memory access pattern.
     * @see <>
    static double calcTheoreticalBandwidth(double memory_clock_rate_ghz,
                                           int    memory_interface_bit,
                                           int    memory_interface_lane,
                                           bool   enable_ecc = false);

     * Effective bandwidth is calculated by timing specific program activities
     * and by knowing how data is accessed by the program.
     * @return
     *  Effective bandwidth (GByte/s).
     * @remarks
     *  - Note: Some calculations use 10243 instead of 109 for the final calculation. @n
     *          In such a case, the bandwidth would be 165.4GB/s. It is important to  @n
     *          use the same divisor when calculating theoretical and effective       @n
     *          bandwidth so that the comparison is valid. @n
     * @see <>
    static double calcEffectiveBandwidth(int read_byte_by_kernel, int write_byte_by_kernel, int seconds);

    static bool setBankSizeByDefault();
    static bool setBankSizeBy4Byte();
    static bool setBankSizeBy8Byte();

    virtual bool isSupport() const TBAG_NOEXCEPT override;
    virtual bool    isHost() const TBAG_NOEXCEPT override;
    virtual bool  isDevice() const TBAG_NOEXCEPT override;
    virtual bool  isStream() const TBAG_NOEXCEPT override;

    virtual Err  createStream(GpuStream & stream) const override;
    virtual Err releaseStream(GpuStream & stream) const override;

    virtual Err  createEvent(GpuStream const & stream, GpuEvent & event) const override;
    virtual Err    syncEvent(GpuEvent  const &  event) const override;
    virtual Err elapsedEvent(GpuEvent        &  event, float * millisec = nullptr) const override;
    virtual Err releaseEvent(GpuEvent        &  event) const override;

    virtual Err malloc(GpuMemory & memory, std::size_t size) const override;
    virtual Err   free(GpuMemory & memory) const override;

    virtual Err mallocHost(HostMemory & memory, std::size_t size, HostMemoryFlag flag = HostMemoryFlag::HMF_DEFAULT) const override;
    virtual Err   freeHost(HostMemory & memory) const override;

    virtual Err write(GpuStream const & stream, GpuMemory       & gpu_mem, HostMemory const & host_mem, std::size_t size, GpuEvent * event = nullptr) const override;
    virtual Err  read(GpuStream const & stream, GpuMemory const & gpu_mem, HostMemory       & host_mem, std::size_t size, GpuEvent * event = nullptr) const override;

    virtual Err writeAsync(GpuStream const & stream, GpuMemory       & gpu_mem, HostMemory const & host_mem, std::size_t size, GpuEvent * event = nullptr) const override;
    virtual Err  readAsync(GpuStream const & stream, GpuMemory const & gpu_mem, HostMemory       & host_mem, std::size_t size, GpuEvent * event = nullptr) const override;

    virtual Err copy(GpuStream const & stream,  GpuMemory const & src,  GpuMemory & dest, std::size_t size, GpuEvent * event = nullptr) const override;
    virtual Err copy(GpuStream const & stream, HostMemory const & src, HostMemory & dest, std::size_t size, GpuEvent * event = nullptr) const override;

    virtual Err copyAsync(GpuStream const & stream,  GpuMemory const & src,  GpuMemory & dest, std::size_t size, GpuEvent * event = nullptr) const override;
    virtual Err copyAsync(GpuStream const & stream, HostMemory const & src, HostMemory & dest, std::size_t size, GpuEvent * event = nullptr) const override;

    virtual Err  flush(GpuStream const & stream) const override;
    virtual Err finish(GpuStream const & stream) const override;

    virtual Err fill(GpuStream const & stream, int      * out, int      data, int count, GpuEvent * event) const override;
    virtual Err fill(GpuStream const & stream, unsigned * out, unsigned data, int count, GpuEvent * event) const override;
    virtual Err fill(GpuStream const & stream, float    * out, float    data, int count, GpuEvent * event) const override;
    virtual Err fill(GpuStream const & stream, double   * out, double   data, int count, GpuEvent * event) const override;

    virtual Err add(GpuStream const & stream, int      const * in1, int      const * in2, int      * out, int count, GpuEvent * event) const override;
    virtual Err add(GpuStream const & stream, unsigned const * in1, unsigned const * in2, unsigned * out, int count, GpuEvent * event) const override;
    virtual Err add(GpuStream const & stream, float    const * in1, float    const * in2, float    * out, int count, GpuEvent * event) const override;
    virtual Err add(GpuStream const & stream, double   const * in1, double   const * in2, double   * out, int count, GpuEvent * event) const override;

} // namespace cuda
} // namespace gpu

// --------------------
// --------------------



 * @file   CudaContext.cpp
 * @brief  CudaContext class implementation.
 * @author username
 * @date   2018-01-16

#include <libtbag/gpu/cuda/CudaContext.hpp>
#include <libtbag/log/Log.hpp>
#include <libtbag/string/Format.hpp>
#include <libtbag/string/StringUtils.hpp>
#include <libtbag/gpu/cuda/CudaRaw.h>

#if defined(USE_CUDA)
# include <cuda.h>
# include <cuda_runtime.h>
# include <libtbag/dummy/Cuda.hpp>
using namespace libtbag::dummy::cuda;

// -------------------
// -------------------

namespace gpu  {
namespace cuda {

// ---------------
namespace __impl {
// ---------------

static void startEvent(GpuStream const & stream, GpuEvent * event)
    cudaError_t code = cudaEventRecord(event->castStart<cudaEvent_t>(), stream.castId<cudaStream_t>());
    if (code != cudaSuccess) {
        tDLogW("startEvent() CUDA cudaEventRecord() error: {}", cudaGetErrorString(code));

static void stopEvent(GpuStream const & stream, GpuEvent * event)
    cudaError_t code = cudaEventRecord(event->castStop<cudaEvent_t>(), stream.castId<cudaStream_t>());
    if (code != cudaSuccess) {
        tDLogW("stopEvent() CUDA cudaEventRecord() error: {}", cudaGetErrorString(code));

struct CudaEventGuard : private Noncopyable
    GpuStream const & stream;
    GpuEvent * event;

    CudaEventGuard(GpuStream const & q, GpuEvent * e = nullptr) : stream(q), event(e)
        if (event != nullptr) {
            startEvent(stream, event);

        if (event != nullptr) {
            stopEvent(stream, event);

struct CudaDeviceGuard : private Noncopyable
    int  current_id = 0;
    int   change_id = 0;
    bool   exchange = false;

    explicit CudaDeviceGuard(GpuDevice  const &  device) : CudaDeviceGuard( device.getDeviceId()) { /* EMPTY. */ }
    explicit CudaDeviceGuard(GpuContext const & context) : CudaDeviceGuard(context.getDeviceId()) { /* EMPTY. */ }

    CudaDeviceGuard(GpuId const & device_id) : current_id(0), change_id(0), exchange(false)
        if (device_id == UNKNOWN_ID) {
        cudaError_t get_code = cudaGetDevice(&current_id);
        if (get_code != cudaSuccess) {
            tDLogE("CudaDeviceGuard::CudaDeviceGuard() CUDA cudaGetDevice() error: {}", cudaGetErrorString(get_code));

        change_id = (int)device_id;
        if (current_id == change_id) {

        cudaError_t set_code = cudaSetDevice(change_id);
        if (set_code == cudaSuccess) {
            exchange = true;
        } else {
            tDLogE("CudaDeviceGuard::CudaDeviceGuard() CUDA cudaSetDevice() error: {}", cudaGetErrorString(set_code));

        if (exchange == false) {
        cudaError_t set_code = cudaSetDevice(current_id);
        if (set_code == cudaSuccess) {
            tDLogE("CudaDeviceGuard::~CudaDeviceGuard() CUDA cudaSetDevice() error: {}", cudaGetErrorString(set_code));

// ------------------
} // namespace __impl
// ------------------

bool isSupport() TBAG_NOEXCEPT
#if defined(USE_CUDA)
    return true;
    return false;

int getPlatformCount()
    return 1;

GpuPlatforms getPlatformList()
    return {GpuPlatform(GpuType::GT_CUDA, 0)};

GpuPlatformInfo getPlatformInfo(GpuPlatform const & platform)
    GpuPlatformInfo info;   = "CUDA";
    info.vendor = "NVIDIA";
    int driver_version = 0;
    cudaError_t driver_code = cudaDriverGetVersion(&driver_version);
    if (driver_code == cudaSuccess) {
        info.version += string::fformat("DRIVER({})", driver_version);
    } else {
        tDLogE("getPlatformInfo() CUDA cudaDriverGetVersion() error: {}", cudaGetErrorString(driver_code));

    int runtime_version = 0;
    cudaError_t runtime_code = cudaRuntimeGetVersion(&runtime_version);
    if (runtime_code == cudaSuccess) {
        info.version += string::fformat("RUNTIME({})", runtime_version);
    } else {
        tDLogE("getPlatformInfo() CUDA cudaRuntimeGetVersion() error: {}", cudaGetErrorString(runtime_code));

#if defined(CUDA_VERSION)
    info.version += string::fformat("API({})", TO_STRING(CUDA_VERSION));
    return info;

int getDeviceCount(GpuPlatform const & platform)
    int result = 0;
    cudaError_t code = cudaGetDeviceCount(&result);
    if (code != cudaSuccess) {
        tDLogE("getDeviceCount() CUDA cudaGetDeviceCount() error: {}", cudaGetErrorString(code));
        return 0;
    return result;

GpuDevices getDeviceList(GpuPlatform const & platform)
    GpuDevices result;
    for (int i = 0; i < cuda::getDeviceCount(platform); ++i) {
        result.emplace_back(GpuDevice(platform, i));
    return result;

GpuDeviceInfo getDeviceInfo(GpuDevice const & device)
    GpuDeviceInfo info;
    cudaDeviceProp prop;
    cudaError_t code = cudaGetDeviceProperties(&prop, device.getDeviceId());
    if (code != cudaSuccess) {
        tDLogE("getDeviceInfo() CUDA cudaGetDeviceProperties() error: {}", cudaGetErrorString(code));
        return info;
    }           =;
    info.device_version = string::fformat("{}.{}", prop.major, prop.minor);
    info.global_memory  = prop.totalGlobalMem;

    int driver_version = 0;
    cudaError_t driver_code = cudaDriverGetVersion(&driver_version);
    if (driver_code == cudaSuccess) {
        info.driver_version = std::to_string(driver_version);
    } else {
        tDLogE("getDeviceInfo() CUDA cudaDriverGetVersion() error: {}", cudaGetErrorString(driver_code));

    info.insert(TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_SHARED_MEM_PER_BLOCK       , prop.sharedMemPerBlock);
    info.insert(TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_REGS_PER_BLOCK             , prop.regsPerBlock);
    info.insert(TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_WARP_SIZE                  , prop.warpSize);
    info.insert(TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_MEM_PITCH                  , prop.memPitch);
    info.insert(TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_MAX_THREADS_PER_BLOCK      , prop.maxThreadsPerBlock);
    info.insert(TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_MAX_THREADS_DIM_0          , prop.maxThreadsDim[0]);
    info.insert(TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_MAX_THREADS_DIM_1          , prop.maxThreadsDim[1]);
    info.insert(TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_MAX_THREADS_DIM_2          , prop.maxThreadsDim[2]);
    info.insert(TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_MAX_GRID_SIZE_0            , prop.maxGridSize[0]);
    info.insert(TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_MAX_GRID_SIZE_1            , prop.maxGridSize[1]);
    info.insert(TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_MAX_GRID_SIZE_2            , prop.maxGridSize[2]);
    info.insert(TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_CLOCK_RATE                 , prop.clockRate);
    info.insert(TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_TOTAL_CONST_MEM            , prop.totalConstMem);
    info.insert(TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_TEXTURE_ALIGNMENT          , prop.textureAlignment);
    info.insert(TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_DEVICE_OVERLAP             , prop.deviceOverlap);
    info.insert(TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_MULTI_PROCESSOR_COUNT      , prop.multiProcessorCount);
    info.insert(TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_KERNEL_EXEC_TIMEOUT_ENABLED, prop.kernelExecTimeoutEnabled);
    info.insert(TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_INTEGRATED                 , prop.integrated);
    info.insert(TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_CAN_MAP_HOST_MEMORY        , prop.canMapHostMemory);
    if (prop.computeMode == cudaComputeModeExclusive) {
    } else if (prop.computeMode == cudaComputeModeProhibited) {
    } else {
        assert(prop.computeMode == cudaComputeModeDefault);
    info.insert(TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_CONCURRENT_KERNELS         , prop.concurrentKernels);
    info.insert(TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_ECC_ENABLED                , prop.ECCEnabled);
    info.insert(TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_PCI_BUS_ID                 , prop.pciBusID);
    info.insert(TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_PCI_DEVICE_ID              , prop.pciDeviceID);
    info.insert(TBAG_GPU_DEVICE_INFO_TCC_DRIVER                 , prop.tccDriver);
    return info;

SharedGpuContext createContext(GpuDevice const & device)
    return SharedGpuContext(new CudaContext(device, 0));

// ---------------------------
// CudaContext implementation.
// ---------------------------

CudaContext::CudaContext(GpuDevice const & d, GpuId c) : GpuContext(d, c)
    // EMPTY.

    // EMPTY.

Err CudaContext::calcOccupancy(int thread_per_block,
                               int registers_per_thread,
                               int shared_memory_per_block,
                               OccupancyInfo & result)
    // Streaming Processor (SP) == {CUDA CORE}
    // Streaming Multiprocessors (SM) == Multiple SP
    // GPC (Graphics Processing Clusters) == Multiple SM
    // Graphic Card == Multiple SM

    cudaDeviceProp prop;
    cudaError_t code = cudaGetDeviceProperties(&prop, castDeviceId<int>());
    if (code != cudaSuccess) {
        tDLogE("CudaContext::calcOccupancy() CUDA cudaGetDeviceProperties() error: {}", cudaGetErrorString(code));
        return Err::E_CUDA;

    int const NUMBER_OF_SM = prop.multiProcessorCount;
    int const NUMBER_OF_SP = 0; // Number of CUDA cores.

    return Err::E_SUCCESS;

double CudaContext::calcTheoreticalBandwidth(double memory_clock_rate_ghz,
                                             int    memory_interface_bit,
                                             int    memory_interface_lane,
                                             bool   enable_ecc)
    double const MEMORY_CLOCK_RATE_HZ  = memory_clock_rate_ghz * 10e+9; // GHz -> Hz
    double const MEMORY_INTERFACE_BYTE = memory_interface_bit / (double)8; // Bit -> Byte
    double const BANDWIDTH_BYTE        = MEMORY_CLOCK_RATE_HZ * MEMORY_INTERFACE_BYTE * memory_interface_lane;
    double const BANDWIDTH_GBYTE       = BANDWIDTH_BYTE / 10e+9; // Byte -> GByte
    if (enable_ecc) {
        return BANDWIDTH_GBYTE * 0.75; // Reduced by approximately 20%
    } else {
        return BANDWIDTH_GBYTE;

double CudaContext::calcEffectiveBandwidth(int read_byte_by_kernel, int write_byte_by_kernel, int seconds)
    int    const RW_BYTE  = read_byte_by_kernel + write_byte_by_kernel;
    double const RW_GBYTE = RW_BYTE / (double)10e+9; // Byte -> GByte
    return RW_GBYTE / seconds;

bool CudaContext::setBankSizeByDefault()
    return cudaDeviceSetSharedMemConfig(cudaSharedMemBankSizeDefault) == cudaSuccess;

bool CudaContext::setBankSizeBy4Byte()
    return cudaDeviceSetSharedMemConfig(cudaSharedMemBankSizeFourByte) == cudaSuccess;

bool CudaContext::setBankSizeBy8Byte()
    return cudaDeviceSetSharedMemConfig(cudaSharedMemBankSizeEightByte) == cudaSuccess;

// @formatter:off
bool CudaContext::isSupport() const TBAG_NOEXCEPT { return cuda::isSupport(); }
bool CudaContext::isHost   () const TBAG_NOEXCEPT { return false; }
bool CudaContext::isDevice () const TBAG_NOEXCEPT { return  true; }
// @formatter:on

bool CudaContext::isStream() const TBAG_NOEXCEPT
    cudaDeviceProp prop;
    cudaError_t code = cudaGetDeviceProperties(&prop, castDeviceId<int>());
    if (code != cudaSuccess) {
        tDLogE("CudaContext::isStream() CUDA cudaGetDeviceProperties() error: {}", cudaGetErrorString(code));
        return false;
    return prop.deviceOverlap == 1;

Err CudaContext::createStream(GpuStream & stream) const
    if (stream.isSameContext(*this) == false) {
        return Err::E_ILLARGS;

    cudaStream_t native_stream;
    cudaError_t code = cudaStreamCreate(&native_stream);
    if (code != cudaSuccess) {
        tDLogE("CudaContext::createStream() CUDA cudaStreamCreate() error: {}", cudaGetErrorString(code));
        return Err::E_CUDA;

    return Err::E_SUCCESS;

Err CudaContext::releaseStream(GpuStream & stream) const
    if (stream.validate(*this) == false) {
        return Err::E_ILLARGS;

    cudaError_t code = cudaStreamDestroy(stream.castId<cudaStream_t>());
    if (code != cudaSuccess) {
        tDLogE("CudaContext::releaseStream() CUDA cudaStreamDestroy() error: {}", cudaGetErrorString(code));
        return Err::E_CUDA;
    return Err::E_SUCCESS;

Err CudaContext::createEvent(GpuStream const & stream, GpuEvent & event) const
    if (stream.validate(*this) == false || event.isSameContext(*this) == false) {
        return Err::E_ILLARGS;

    cudaEvent_t native_start;
    cudaError_t start_code = cudaEventCreate(&native_start);
    if (start_code != cudaSuccess) {
        tDLogE("CudaContext::createEvent() CUDA cudaEventCreate() start error: {}", cudaGetErrorString(start_code));
        return Err::E_CUDA;

    cudaEvent_t native_stop;
    cudaError_t stop_code = cudaEventCreate(&native_stop);
    if (stop_code != cudaSuccess) {
        tDLogE("CudaContext::createEvent() CUDA cudaEventCreate() stop error: {}", cudaGetErrorString(stop_code));
        return Err::E_CUDA;

    return Err::E_SUCCESS;

Err CudaContext::syncEvent(GpuEvent const & event) const
    if (event.validate(*this) == false) {
        return Err::E_ILLARGS;

    cudaError_t start_code = cudaEventSynchronize(event.castStart<cudaEvent_t>());
    cudaError_t  stop_code = cudaEventSynchronize(event.castStop<cudaEvent_t>());
    if (start_code != cudaSuccess || stop_code != cudaSuccess) {
        tDLogE("CudaContext::syncEvent() CUDA cudaEventSynchronize() error: start({}), stop({})",
               cudaGetErrorString(start_code), cudaGetErrorString(stop_code));
        return Err::E_CUDA;
    return Err::E_SUCCESS;

Err CudaContext::elapsedEvent(GpuEvent & event, float * millisec) const
    if (event.validate(*this) == false) {
        return Err::E_ILLARGS;

    float elapsed_time = 0.0f;
    cudaError_t code = cudaEventElapsedTime(&elapsed_time, event.castStart<cudaEvent_t>(), event.castStop<cudaEvent_t>());
    if (code != cudaSuccess) {
        tDLogE("CudaContext::elapsedEvent() CUDA cudaEventElapsedTime() error: {}", cudaGetErrorString(code));
        return Err::E_CUDA;

    if (millisec != nullptr) {
        *millisec = elapsed_time;
    return Err::E_SUCCESS;

Err CudaContext::releaseEvent(GpuEvent & event) const
    if (event.validate(*this) == false) {
        return Err::E_ILLARGS;

    cudaError_t start_code = cudaEventDestroy(event.castStart<cudaEvent_t>());
    cudaError_t  stop_code = cudaEventDestroy(event.castStop<cudaEvent_t>());
    if (start_code != cudaSuccess || stop_code != cudaSuccess) {
        tDLogE("CudaContext::releaseEvent() CUDA cudaEventDestroy() error: start({}), stop({})",
               cudaGetErrorString(start_code), cudaGetErrorString(stop_code));
        return Err::E_CUDA;
    return Err::E_SUCCESS;

Err CudaContext::malloc(GpuMemory & memory, std::size_t size) const
    if (memory.isSameContext(*this) == false) {
        return Err::E_ILLARGS;

    __impl::CudaDeviceGuard const LOCK(*this);
    void * data = nullptr;
    cudaError_t code = cudaMalloc(&data, size);
    if (code != cudaSuccess) {
        tDLogE("CudaContext::malloc({}) CUDA cudaMalloc() error: {}", size, cudaGetErrorString(code));
        return Err::E_CUDA;

    memory.set(data, size, size);
    tDLogIfD(isGpuVerbose(), "CudaContext::malloc({}) CUDA cudaMalloc() MEM:{} CAP:{} SIZE:{}",
             size,, memory.capacity(), memory.size());
    return Err::E_SUCCESS;

Err CudaContext::free(GpuMemory & memory) const
    if (memory.validate(*this) == false) {
        return Err::E_ILLARGS;

    tDLogIfD(isGpuVerbose(), "CudaContext::free() CUDA cudaFree() MEM:{} CAP:{} SIZE:{}",
   , memory.capacity(), memory.size());

    __impl::CudaDeviceGuard const LOCK(*this);
    cudaError_t code = cudaFree(;
    if (code != cudaSuccess) {
        tDLogE("CudaContext::free() CUDA cudaFree() error: {}", cudaGetErrorString(code));
        return Err::E_CUDA;
    return Err::E_SUCCESS;

Err CudaContext::mallocHost(HostMemory & memory, std::size_t size, HostMemoryFlag flag) const
    if (memory.isSameContext(*this) == false) {
        return Err::E_ILLARGS;
    if (HostMemoryFlag::HMF_DEFAULT == flag) {
        return GpuContext::mallocHost(memory, size, HostMemoryFlag::HMF_DEFAULT);
    if (HostMemoryFlag::HMF_PINNED != flag) {
        tDLogE("CudaContext::mallocHost() Unsupported flag: {}", static_cast<int>(flag));
        return Err::E_ILLARGS;
    assert(flag == HostMemoryFlag::HMF_PINNED);

    __impl::CudaDeviceGuard const LOCK(*this);
    void * data = nullptr;
    cudaError_t code = cudaMallocHost(&data, size);
    if (code != cudaSuccess) {
        tDLogE("CudaContext::mallocHost({}) CUDA cudaMallocHost() error: {}", size, cudaGetErrorString(code));
        return Err::E_CUDA;

    memory.set(data, size, size, flag);
    tDLogIfD(isGpuVerbose(), "CudaContext::mallocHost({}) CUDA cudaMallocHost() MEM:{} CAP:{} SIZE:{}",
             size,, memory.capacity(), memory.size());
    return Err::E_SUCCESS;

Err CudaContext::freeHost(HostMemory & memory) const
    if (memory.validate(*this) == false) {
        return Err::E_ILLARGS;

    tDLogIfD(isGpuVerbose(), "CudaContext::freeHost() CUDA cudaFreeHost() MEM:{} CAP:{} SIZE:{}",
   , memory.capacity(), memory.size());

    __impl::CudaDeviceGuard const LOCK(*this);
    cudaError_t code = cudaFreeHost(;
    if (code != cudaSuccess) {
        tDLogE("CudaContext::free() CUDA cudaFreeHost() error: {}", cudaGetErrorString(code));
        return Err::E_CUDA;
    return Err::E_SUCCESS;

Err CudaContext::write(GpuStream const & stream, GpuMemory & gpu_mem, HostMemory const & host_mem, std::size_t size, GpuEvent * event) const
    if (validateMemory(stream, gpu_mem, host_mem, size) == false) {
        return Err::E_ILLARGS;

    __impl::CudaEventGuard const EVENT_LOCK(stream, event);
    cudaError_t code = cudaMemcpy(,, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
    if (code != cudaSuccess) {
        tDLogE("CudaContext::write() CUDA cudaMemcpy() error: {}", cudaGetErrorString(code));
        return Err::E_CUDA;
    return Err::E_SUCCESS;

Err CudaContext::read(GpuStream const & stream, GpuMemory const & gpu_mem, HostMemory & host_mem, std::size_t size, GpuEvent * event) const
    if (validateMemory(stream, gpu_mem, host_mem, size) == false) {
        return Err::E_ILLARGS;

    __impl::CudaEventGuard const EVENT_LOCK(stream, event);
    cudaError_t code = cudaMemcpy(,, size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    if (code != cudaSuccess) {
        tDLogE("CudaContext::read() CUDA cudaMemcpy() error: {}", cudaGetErrorString(code));
        return Err::E_CUDA;
    return Err::E_SUCCESS;

Err CudaContext::writeAsync(GpuStream const & stream, GpuMemory & gpu_mem, HostMemory const & host_mem, std::size_t size, GpuEvent * event) const
    if (validateMemory(stream, gpu_mem, host_mem, size) == false) {
        return Err::E_ILLARGS;

    __impl::CudaEventGuard const EVENT_LOCK(stream, event);
    cudaError_t code = cudaMemcpyAsync(,, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice,
    if (code != cudaSuccess) {
        tDLogE("CudaContext::writeAsync() CUDA cudaMemcpyAsync() error: {}", cudaGetErrorString(code));
        return Err::E_CUDA;
    return Err::E_SUCCESS;

Err CudaContext::readAsync(GpuStream const & stream, GpuMemory const & gpu_mem, HostMemory & host_mem, std::size_t size, GpuEvent * event) const
    if (validateMemory(stream, gpu_mem, host_mem, size) == false) {
        return Err::E_ILLARGS;

    __impl::CudaEventGuard const EVENT_LOCK(stream, event);
    cudaError_t code = cudaMemcpyAsync(,, size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost,
    if (code != cudaSuccess) {
        tDLogE("CudaContext::readAsync() CUDA cudaMemcpyAsync() error: {}", cudaGetErrorString(code));
        return Err::E_CUDA;
    return Err::E_SUCCESS;

Err CudaContext::copy(GpuStream const & stream, GpuMemory const & src, GpuMemory & dest, std::size_t size, GpuEvent * event) const
    if (validateMemory(stream, src, dest, size) == false) {
        return Err::E_ILLARGS;

    __impl::CudaEventGuard const EVENT_LOCK(stream, event);
    cudaError_t code = cudaMemcpy(,, size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);
    if (code != cudaSuccess) {
        tDLogE("CudaContext::copy() CUDA cudaMemcpy(D2D) error: {}", cudaGetErrorString(code));
        return Err::E_CUDA;
    return Err::E_SUCCESS;

Err CudaContext::copy(GpuStream const & stream, HostMemory const & src, HostMemory & dest, std::size_t size, GpuEvent * event) const
    if (validateMemory(stream, src, dest, size) == false) {
        return Err::E_ILLARGS;

    __impl::CudaEventGuard const EVENT_LOCK(stream, event);
    cudaError_t code = cudaMemcpy(,, size, cudaMemcpyHostToHost);
    if (code != cudaSuccess) {
        tDLogE("CudaContext::copy() CUDA cudaMemcpy(H2H) error: {}", cudaGetErrorString(code));
        return Err::E_CUDA;
    return Err::E_SUCCESS;

Err CudaContext::copyAsync(GpuStream const & stream, GpuMemory const & src, GpuMemory & dest, std::size_t size, GpuEvent * event) const
    if (validateMemory(stream, src, dest, size) == false) {
        return Err::E_ILLARGS;

    __impl::CudaEventGuard const EVENT_LOCK(stream, event);
    cudaError_t code = cudaMemcpyAsync(,, size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice,
    if (code != cudaSuccess) {
        tDLogE("CudaContext::copyAsync() CUDA cudaMemcpyAsync(D2D) error: {}", cudaGetErrorString(code));
        return Err::E_CUDA;
    return Err::E_SUCCESS;

Err CudaContext::copyAsync(GpuStream const & stream, HostMemory const & src, HostMemory & dest, std::size_t size, GpuEvent * event) const
    if (validateMemory(stream, src, dest, size) == false) {
        return Err::E_ILLARGS;

    __impl::CudaEventGuard const EVENT_LOCK(stream, event);
    cudaError_t code = cudaMemcpyAsync(,, size, cudaMemcpyHostToHost,
    if (code != cudaSuccess) {
        tDLogE("CudaContext::copyAsync() CUDA cudaMemcpyAsync(H2H) error: {}", cudaGetErrorString(code));
        return Err::E_CUDA;
    return Err::E_SUCCESS;

Err CudaContext::flush(GpuStream const & stream) const
    if (stream.validate(*this) == false) {
        return Err::E_ILLARGS;
    return Err::E_SUCCESS;

Err CudaContext::finish(GpuStream const & stream) const
    if (stream.validate(*this) == false) {
        return Err::E_ILLARGS;

    cudaError_t code = cudaStreamSynchronize(stream.castId<cudaStream_t>());
    if (code != cudaSuccess) {
        tDLogE("CudaContext::finish() CUDA cudaDeviceSynchronize() error: {}", cudaGetErrorString(code));
        return Err::E_CUDA;
    return Err::E_SUCCESS;

// @formatter:off
Err CudaContext::fill(GpuStream const & stream, int * out, int data, int count, GpuEvent * event) const
{ __impl::CudaEventGuard g(stream, event); return tbCudaFill_i(out, data, count) == TB_TRUE ? Err::E_SUCCESS : Err::E_UNKNOWN; }
Err CudaContext::fill(GpuStream const & stream, unsigned * out, unsigned data, int count, GpuEvent * event) const
{ __impl::CudaEventGuard g(stream, event); return tbCudaFill_u(out, data, count) == TB_TRUE ? Err::E_SUCCESS : Err::E_UNKNOWN; }
Err CudaContext::fill(GpuStream const & stream, float * out, float data, int count, GpuEvent * event) const
{ __impl::CudaEventGuard g(stream, event); return tbCudaFill_f(out, data, count) == TB_TRUE ? Err::E_SUCCESS : Err::E_UNKNOWN; }
Err CudaContext::fill(GpuStream const & stream, double * out, double data, int count, GpuEvent * event) const
{ __impl::CudaEventGuard g(stream, event); return tbCudaFill_d(out, data, count) == TB_TRUE ? Err::E_SUCCESS : Err::E_UNKNOWN; }
// @formatter:on

// @formatter:off
Err CudaContext::add(GpuStream const & stream, int const * in1, int const * in2, int * out, int count, GpuEvent * event) const
{ __impl::CudaEventGuard g(stream, event); return tbCudaAdd_i(in1, in2, out, count) == TB_TRUE ? Err::E_SUCCESS : Err::E_UNKNOWN; }
Err CudaContext::add(GpuStream const & stream, unsigned const * in1, unsigned const * in2, unsigned * out, int count, GpuEvent * event) const
{ __impl::CudaEventGuard g(stream, event); return tbCudaAdd_u(in1, in2, out, count) == TB_TRUE ? Err::E_SUCCESS : Err::E_UNKNOWN; }
Err CudaContext::add(GpuStream const & stream, float const * in1, float const * in2, float * out, int count, GpuEvent * event) const
{ __impl::CudaEventGuard g(stream, event); return tbCudaAdd_f(in1, in2, out, count) == TB_TRUE ? Err::E_SUCCESS : Err::E_UNKNOWN; }
Err CudaContext::add(GpuStream const & stream, double const * in1, double const * in2, double * out, int count, GpuEvent * event) const
{ __impl::CudaEventGuard g(stream, event); return tbCudaAdd_d(in1, in2, out, count) == TB_TRUE ? Err::E_SUCCESS : Err::E_UNKNOWN; }
// @formatter:on

} // namespace cuda
} // namespace gpu

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// --------------------

See also