Invariant program elements are called "literals" or "constants." The terms "literal" and "constant" are used interchangeably here. Literals fall into four major categories: integer, character, floating-point, and string literals.
A literal may be any of the following:
- integer-constant
- character-constant
- floating-constant
- string-literal
전문 용어에 대한 참고 사항
C++ 에서 접두사가없는 문자열 리터럴 토큰을 일반 문자열 리터럴 (Ordinary string literal)이라고 한다.
"Ordinary string literal"과 "UTF-8 string literals"은 모두 Element type이 char이기 때문에 Narrow string literals로 분류된다.
번역되지 않은, 이후 내용:
However, the term "narrow string literal" is actually used only three times in two paragraphs of the C++ WD.
In C, an unprefixed string literal is called a "character string literal". In the status quo, every prefixed string literal is (some kind of) wide string literal. The term "character string literal" is used in several places, especially in the preprocessor description, where it is clear that an unprefixed string literal is exactly what is meant. So the term "UTF-8 string literal" is introduced to refer to a prefixed string literal that is nevertheless not a wide string literal.
WG14 has already rejected a proposal to drop the term "character string literal" in favor of some other term (and WG21 has rejected the term "character string literal" for an unprefixed string literal).
The amended grammar for string-literal exactly parallels that in C++, omitting only the alternative for raw strings. The new non-terminal encoding-prefix is exactly as in C++. This new term considerably simplifies the discussion of string token concatenation.
157 // integer constant
0xFE // integer constant
'c' // character constant
0.2 // floating constant
0.2E-01 // floating constant
"dog" // string literal
C++11 Literals
C++11 부터 사용가능한 리터럴은 아래와 같다.
RAW String
Escape character를 사용하지 않는다. R"somthing(
와 )somthing"
로 묶어야 한다.
Character encoding
Template based char or wchar_t literal
WindowsAPI의 TCHAR에서 사용하는 _T
매크로와 같이, 템플릿 기반의 리터럴 변경방법은 아래와 같다.
template<typename C>
const C * ChooseCW(const char * c, const wchar_t * w);
const char * ChooseCW<char>(const char * c, const wchar_t * w)
return c;
const wchar_t * ChooseCW<wchar_t>(const char * c, const wchar_t * w)
return w;
#define CW(C, STR) ChooseCW<C>(STR, L##STR)
insert(value_type(CW(C, "in1"), CW(C, "out1")));
string too big, trailing characters truncated
MSVC에서 아래와 같은 경고가 발생될 수 있다.
문자열 리터럴의 최대 길이를 16K 이하로 조절하면 된다.
- VC++ 6, VC++ 2005, VC++ 2008
- The maximum length of a string literal is approximately 2,048 bytes.
- VC++ 2010, VC++ 2012
- The maximum length of a string literal is 16,384 bytes (16K).