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Binary repository manager

(Repository/Archive repository server/Binary repository manager/Artifact Repository 모두 이 곳에 링크된다)

A binary repository manager is a software tool designed to optimize the download and storage of binary files used and produced in software development. It centralizes the management of all the binary artifacts generated and used by the organization to overcome the complexity arising from the diversity of binary artifact types, their position in the overall workflow and the dependencies between them.

A binary repository is a software repository for packages, artifacts and their corresponding metadata. It can be used to store binary files produced by an organization itself, such as product releases and nightly product builds, or for third party binaries which must be treated differently for both technical and legal reasons.

Universal package manager

The software and technology industry continues to change and grow, binary repository managers are no different. They are beginning to shift towards positioning as a universal package managers. These package managers aim to standardize the way enterprises treat all package types used in the software development process. They give users the ability to apply security and compliance metrics across all artifact types. Universal package managers have been referred to as being at the center of a DevOps toolchain.

Notable Universal package managers include:

See also

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