BearLibTerminal is a library that creates a terminal-like window facilitating flexible textual output and uncomplicated input processing.
A lot of roguelike games intentionally use asketic textual or pseudographic visual style. However, native output via the command line interface ususally have a few annoying shortcomings like low speed or palette and font restrictions. Using an extended character set (several languages at once or complicated pseudographics) may also be tricky. BearLibTerminal solves that by providing it's own window with a grid of character cells and simple yet powerful API for configuration and textual output.
Notable features of BearLibTerminal include: vEase of Unicode usage.
- Support for bitmap and vector (TrueType) fonts.
- Extended output facilities: tile composition, alignment, offsets.
- High performance (uses OpenGL).
- Keyboard and mouse support.
- Windows, Linux and OS X builds.
- Bindings for several programming languages: С/С++, C#, Lua, Pascal, Python, Ruby.
There are similar tools, also primarily intended for roguelike development: