Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms
BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) is a specification that prescribes a set of low-level routines for performing common linear algebra operations such as vector addition, scalar multiplication, dot products, linear combinations, and matrix multiplication. They are the de facto standard low-level routines for linear algebra libraries; the routines have bindings for both C and Fortran. Although the BLAS specification is general, BLAS implementations are often optimized for speed on a particular machine, so using them can bring substantial performance benefits. BLAS implementations will take advantage of special floating point hardware such as vector registers or SIMD instructions.
- BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms)
- [추천] IBM Knowledge Center - SDOT, DDOT, CDOTU, ZDOTU, CDOTC, and ZDOTC (Dot Product of Two Vectors) 1
Local Download
- blas-3.6.0
Blas-3.6.0.tar.gz -
- Quick Reference Guide
- OpenBLAS
- Atlas
- Boost:uBLAS
- Bolt - 10배 빠른 매트릭스 & 벡터 연산 알고리듬
Favorite site
- BLAS web site
- Wikipedia (en) BLAS에 대한 설명
- Naver blog - talesoff - Cblas
- [추천] 개판강좌 - GSL CBLAS (C Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) Library 2 (연산레벨 및 함수 명명법 설명)
- Benchmarking BLAS libraries (Openblas vs Eigen vs CuBLAS+CuSolver)