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Aspect ratio

The aspect ratio of a geometric shape is the ratio of its sizes in different dimensions. For example, the aspect ratio of a rectangle is the ratio of its longer side to its shorter side – the ratio of width to height, when the rectangle is oriented as a "landscape".

표준 화면비율

  • 1:1
  • 1.33:1 (4:3)
  • 1.77:1/1.78:1 (16:9)
  • 1.85:1 (37:20)
  • 2:1 (18:9)
  • 2.39:1 (21:9)

기타 화면비율

  • 1.25:1 (5:4)
  • 1.37:1
  • 1.41:1
  • 1.44:1
  • 1.5:1 (3:2)
  • 1.6:1 (16:10)
  • 1.66:1 (5:3)
  • 1.73:1 (루트 3:1)
  • 1.9:1
  • 2.055:1 (18.5:9)
  • 2.111:1 (19:9)
  • 2.167:1 (19.5:9)
  • 2.222:1 (20:9)

화면비율 변경 방식



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Calculator in Python

original_width = coco_object['images']['width']
original_height = coco_object['images']['height']

width = input_width # The size you want to change.
height = input_height # The size you want to change.

if width >= 1 and height >= 1:
    resize_width = width
    resize_height = height
elif width <= 0 and height >= 1:
    resize_height = height
    if aspect_ratio:
        resize_width = int(original_width*height/original_height)
        resize_width = original_width
elif width >= 1 and height <= 0:
    resize_width = width
    if aspect_ratio:
        resize_height = int(original_height*width/original_width)
        resize_height = original_height
    assert width <= 0 and height <= 0
    resize_width = original_width
    resize_height = original_height

JavaScript version

import {TypeException} from "@/exceptions";

export interface Size {
    width?: number;
    height?: number;

export function aspectRatio(original: Size, destination: Size) {
    const ow = original.width;
    const oh = original.height;
    if (typeof ow !== 'number') {
        throw new TypeException('The `original.width` argument is not a numeric type.');
    if (typeof oh !== 'number') {
        throw new TypeException('The `original.height` argument is not a numeric type.');

    const dw = destination.width;
    const dh = destination.height;

    if (dw && dh) {
        return {width: dw, height: dh} as Size;
    } else if (!dw && dh) {
        return {width: ow * dh / oh, height: dh} as Size;
    } else if (dw && !dh) {
        return {width: dw, height: oh * dw / ow} as Size;
    } else {
        return {width: ow, height: oh} as Size;

CSS version

See also

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