Arcade Skill Tree
- Basic Drawing Commands - See How to Draw with Your Computer, Drawing Primitives
- ShapeElementLists - Batch together thousands of drawing commands into one using a arcade.ShapeElementList. See examples in Faster Drawing with ShapeElementLists.
Sprites - Almost everything in Arcade is done with the arcade.Sprite class. - Basic Sprites and Collisions
- Individually place sprites
- Place sprites with a loop
- Place sprites with a list
Moving player sprites - Mouse - Collect Coins - Mouse
- Keyboard - Sprite Move By Keyboard
- Keyboard, slightly more complex but handles multiple key presses better: Better Move By Keyboard
- Keyboard with acceleration, de-acceleration: Acceleration and Friction
- Keyboard, rotate and move forward/back like a space ship: Move Sprites By Angle
- Game Controller - Game Controller/Joystick
- Game controller buttons - Supported, but documentation needed.
Sprite collision detection - Basic detection - Learn arcade book on collisions, Collect Coins - Mouse
- Understanding collision detection and spatial hashing: Collision detection performance
- Sprite Hit boxes
- Detail amount - arcade.Sprite
- Changing -arcade.Sprite.hit_box
- Drawing - arcade.Sprite.draw_hit_box
- Avoid placing items on walls - Randomly Place Coins, But Away From Walls And Other Coins
- Sprite drag-and-drop - See the Solitaire Tutorial.
Drawing sprites in layers Sprite animation - Change texture on sprite when hit - Change coins
Moving non-player sprites - Bouncing - Sprite Bouncing Coins
- Moving towards player - Sprites That Follow The Player
- Moving towards player, but with a delay - Sprites That Follow The Player 2
- Space-invaders style - Slime Invaders
- Can a sprite see the player? - Line of Sight
- A-star pathfinding - A-Star Path Finding
Shooting - Player shoots straight up - Shoot Bullets Upwards
- Enemy shoots every x frames - Have Enemies Periodically Shoot
- Enemy randomly shoots x frames - Have Enemies Randomly Shoot
- Player aims - Aim and Shoot Bullets
- Enemy aims - Have Enemies Aim at Player
Physics Engines - SimplePhysicsEngine - Platformer tutorial Step 3 - Scene Object, Learn Arcade Book Simple Physics Engine, Example Move with Walls
- PlatformerPhysicsEngine - From the platformer tutorial: Step 4 - Add User Control,
- Moving Platforms
- Ladders - Platformer tutorial Step 10 - Multiple Levels and Other Layers
- Using the physics engine on multiple sprites - Supported, but documentation needed.
- Pymunk top-down - Supported, needs docs
- Pymunk physics engine for a platformer - Pymunk Platformer
View management - Minimal example of using views - Minimal Views Example
- Using views to add a pause screen - Using Views for a Pause Screen
- Using views to add an instruction and game over screen - Using Views for Instruction and Game Over Screens
Window management - Scrolling - Move with a Scrolling Screen - Centered
- Add full screen support - Full Screen Example
- Allow user to resize the window - Resizable Window
Map Creation - Programmatic creation
- Individually place sprites
- Place sprites with a loop
- Place sprites with a list
- Procedural Generation
- Creating a Depth First Maze
- Creating a Recursive Maze
- Procedural Caves - Binary Space Partitioning
- Procedural Caves - Cellular Automata
- TMX map creation - Platformer tutorial: Step 8 - Display The Score
- Layers - Platformer tutorial: Step 8 - Display The Score
- Multiple Levels - Work with levels and a tiled map
- Object Layer - Supported, but documentation needed.
- Hit-boxes - Supported, but documentation needed.
- Animated Tiles - Supported, but documentation needed.
Sound - Learn Arcade book sound chapter - Music Control Demo
- Spatial sound Sound Demo
Particles - Particle Systems GUI - Concepts - GUI Concepts
- Examples - GUI Concepts
OpenGL - Read more about using OpenGL in Arcade with OpenGL Notes.
- Lights - Lighting Demo
- Writing shaders using “ShaderToy”
- Shader Toy Tutorial - Glow
- Shader Toy Tutorial - Particles
- Learn how to ray-cast shadows in the Ray-casting Shadows.
- Make your screen look like an 80s monitor in CRT Filter.
- Study the Asteroids Example Code.
- Rendering onto a sprite to create a mini-map - Mini-Map
- Bloom/glow effect - Bloom-Effect Defender
- Learn to do a compute shader in Compute Shader Tutorial.
Logging See also
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