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Android의 MIDI에 대한 내용.


AMidi API는 Android NDK r20b 이상에서 사용할 수 있습니다. 이 API를 통해 앱 개발자는 C/C++ 코드로 MIDI 데이터를 주고받을 수 있습니다.

Android MIDI 앱은 대개 midi API를 사용해 Android MIDI 서비스와 통신합니다. MIDI 앱은 주로 MidiManager를 사용해 하나 이상의 MidiDevice 객체를 검색하고 열고 닫으며, 기기의 MIDI 입력 및 출력 포트를 통해 각 기기로 데이터를 전달하거나 기기에서 데이터를 전달받습니다.


  • MidiDevice - This class is used for sending and receiving data to and from a MIDI device Instances of this class are created by MidiManager#openDevice.
  • MidiDeviceInfo - This class contains information to describe a MIDI device.
  • MidiDeviceService - A service that implements a virtual MIDI device.
  • MidiDeviceStatus - This is an immutable class that describes the current status of a MIDI device's ports.
  • MidiInputPort - This class is used for sending data to a port on a MIDI device
  • MidiManager - This class is the public application interface to the MIDI service.
  • MidiOutputPort - This class is used for receiving data from a port on a MIDI device
  • MidiReceiver - Interface for sending and receiving data to and from a MIDI device.
  • MidiSender - Interface provided by a device to allow attaching MidiReceivers to a MIDI device.


Android USB MIDI Driver

See also

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