Defines the audio source. An audio source defines both a default physical source of audio signal, and a recording configuration. These constants are for instance used in setAudioSource(int) or setAudioSource(int).
- CAMCORDER: Microphone audio source with same orientation as camera if available, the main device microphone otherwise
- DEFAULT: Default audio source
- MIC: Microphone audio source
- REMOTE_SUBMIX: Audio source for a submix of audio streams to be presented remotely.
- VOICE_CALL: Voice call uplink + downlink audio source
- VOICE_COMMUNICATION: Microphone audio source tuned for voice communications such as VoIP.
- VOICE_DOWNLINK: Voice call downlink (Rx) audio source
- VOICE_RECOGNITION: Microphone audio source tuned for voice recognition if available, behaves like DEFAULT otherwise.
- VOICE_UPLINK: Voice call uplink (Tx) audio source