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Extraction of Android Stagefright VO AAC encoder with a nice Java API.

In addition, includes a patched MP4Parser Java library for wrapping AAC files in an MP4 container to produce M4A audio files playable by Google Chrome and Apple QuickTime.

This project is set up as a single Eclipse project with a example activity. AAC encoding logic is found in jni/aac-enc.c, which needs to be built with the Android NDK. I used NDK r7c, but any version should work.


  • smaller code footprint than FFmpeg (< 500k compared to > 2M)
  • less native code to compile = less work to support new architectures
  • easiest way to make an M4A file

Encoding AAC Audio in Android

File dir = getFilesDir();
String output = dir.toString() + "/audio.aac";

AACEncoder encoder = new AACEncoder();

// bitrate, channels, sample rate, bits per sample, output file name
encoder.init(64000, 1, 16000, 16, output);

// pass in some audio data
byte[] input = new byte[16000];
for(int i = 0; i < input.length; i++)
    input[i] = (byte) Math.round(255 * Math.sin(i * 1.0 / 10));

// can be called as many times as you want



This project is released under the Apache License, version 2



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