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A parser that produces an ESTree-compatible AST for TypeScript code.

This parser is designed to be generic and robust. It can be used to power any use-case which requires taking TypeScript source code and producing an ESTree-compatible AST.

It is most known for use within these hyper-popular open-source projects to power their TypeScript support:

  • ESLint, the pluggable linting utility for JavaScript and JSX
  • Prettier, an opinionated code formatter

It works by:

  • Invoking the TypeScript compiler on the given source code in order to produce a TypeScript AST
  • Converting that TypeScript AST into an ESTree AST


WARNING: You are currently running a version of TypeScript which is not officially supported by @typescript-eslint/typescript-estree

WARNING: You are currently running a version of TypeScript which is not officially supported by @typescript-eslint/typescript-estree.

You may find that it works just fine, or you may not.



Please only submit bug reports when using the officially supported version.

@typescript-eslint/* 관련 패키지 전부 업데이트하면 된다.

See also

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